I was tagged


I was tagged.

This is how the game goes
      Rule: One -  Post the rules
               Two -  Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it will be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.
               Three -  Tag eleven people and link them in your post
               Four -  Let them know you tagged them.




1.Your top three of fav. Kpop groups? 
Super Junior, DB5K, and f(x)
2.Which Kpop song describes your life best? 
Tablo's song "Home"
3.Which member do you like the most from your no.1 Kpop group?
My no.1 Kpop group is Super Junior, so Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) is my favorite member.
4.Which Kpop couple do you ship?
5.Why do you ship the couple?
Even though there are many other couples in kpop the only couple I can honestly say that is real is Yunjae. When I watch Yunjae videos I can tell when I look at both of them that they love and care for one another. And it's not just brotherly love. There is a difference. They are really... Ah they make me an emotional little boy. LOL. 
6.What is the cutest story you have ever read?
Cutest story.... So far Facebook and Dong Bang Messenger has to be the cutest thing i've read on asianfanfics. (written by cookiesandcream)
7.In your opinion,which Kpop MV is the iest so far?
TROLOL. Man, I really dunno. OH WAIT I GOT ONE.
8.Which Kpop boy would you consider as the best husband material? 
I'd say Jaejoong. 
9.Why? (referring to 8)
He is the most inspirational person to me. He's beautiful and handsome at the same time, he is my ideal type. I love his cold stare but warm heart, he can cook well, he's very talkative and funny. He's great. OH WAIT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO SAY WHY HE WOULD BE GOOD HUSBAND MATERIAL FOR SOMEONE ELSE? 
LOL. Well he is a great person, and he would always make sure his HUSBAND (jung yunho) was happy and properly cared for.
10.Which Kpop boy would you consider as the worst husband material?
this is a hard one we have here! Kim Heechul.
11.Why? (referring to 10)
I love Heechul. The reason behind my answer is... He wouldn't be able to settle down and marry someone. He really is a player, I don't think it would work out. LOL.
1. How did you find out about kpop?
2. What is your favorite kpop song? If you don't have one. Favorite kpop bands?
3. Who is your ultimate bias?
4. Why? (Referring to question 3)
5. If you could spend one day with any Kpop idol, who would you go with, and where would you go?
6. Why? (Referring to question 5)
7. Best fanfiction you ever read? 
8. If you could join a Kpop group, which group would you want to join?
9. Why?
10. Who do you think is the most beautiful Kpop idol? 
11. Who do you think is the most unattractive Kpop idol? 
 I don't really know who to tag.... blush....
1. aiyuki__
2. em_haeteuk
3. Sarah_OT5.
4. Saranghaejj08
5. Tobylovesfishy
I only knew of 5 people who I could possibly tag without looking like a weirdo... If you don't want to do the tag it's fine^^


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