DIARY: Slow Update in June

So... here is the case.
There will be possibly no update for the rest of next week due to some reasons.
Hereby I will write down the details, in case there are friends who wonder why I can't update. ;)
Monday, 4 June 2012
Work from 8 AM till around 6 PM and then later work on the Improvement Idea for Thursday.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Work from 8 AM till around 6 PM again then work on the presentation for Thursday.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Work from 8 AM till around 6 PM again then (probably) watch a movie. If it's possible.
Thursday - Saturday, 7 - 9 June 2012
Going out of the town for work meeting. Definitely can't update since I don't bring my notebook.
Sunday, 10 June 2012
There is a meeting scheduled by my student organization and I need to attend as an alumnus.
I'll try my best to update during my free time but, yes, I can't promise anything since...
... 13 June 2012 I will have my final presentation to decide whether I can continue to work in my current office or not.
Wish me luck. XDDD
Have a blessed June everyone~ ^^


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Good Luck!
Hope you have a great month! Don't get burnt in the heat!
Don't get pressured by anything either! ^^
Good luck! I'm sure you will do great!

~ FlyingHigh