It Tagging tymeee~~Anon19..Thank chu for Tagging meh!

Let's scroolll downn shall we;

1.) Since when did you like Kpop?
Emmm,whaaale,let see,since I was 10 years olwwdd~

2.) What can you say about EXO's teasersssss?
A-yo whhaaaadaaapp kressee~Swaggin',I.LOVE.THEM!

3.) Have you watched Bigbang's new M/V? If yes, how was it?
I did actually,it was daebak!as always!~ :3

4.) Did anyone introduced you to Kpop?
Yeah!My beloved aunty!I sooo owe her for this!Isn't she a life saver~

5.) Do you like Jpop?
As much as I wanted to say it,yes,yes I am,I cray cray about it~

6.) Who's your bias? (You can name 19327289372 of your bias if you like. Ahaha!)
OhMyKresssseee~,ahem,let start,Theres,ChanYeol,Sehun,Kai,Baekyun,owkey allof Exo *Bear with meh*,Daedae,Myungmyung...
If I countinue,it may go on---like FOREVER,so to make it simply,
my current is Park.Chan.Yeol from EXO Planet,harhar,

7.) Do you have any similarities with your bias? Is yes, pick one out of all of them and describe the similarities between you and him/her.
Why,for example,all of my bias,might have the fav colour with meh or their fav stuff toys~ :3

8.) Do you like any girl group? If yes, what girl group is that?
As equaly as I like boybands...I like all girs groups..but my first,would be of course Girl Generation,
harhar,*diehard fan*

9.) What's your favorite past time?
Emmm,plenty,dunno which to tell,harhar,

10.) Have you ever been to a concert?
Of couurrrseee,couldnt miss it for the worlddd~~~

11.) Lastly, if you'll ever have a date with your bias for 1 day, what will you do? (You can say all your bias and answer this question if you like. ^^)
I would...yeah any normal girl wiill like spent a day out,but I just wanna spend a day just sitting in my house,well,he an idol afterall,he must tired~

Whaaleee,dats ma answer!~Thanks for like tagging meh~ :3
*hugs chu*


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