Application for The Secret of the Demigods


The Secret of the Demigods

Tara Collins


User Information.


Link to Profile:

The Demigod.

Name: Tara Collins
Gener: Female
Age: 15
Birthdate: 2nd of November, 1996
BirthplaceBorn in London, England
Personality: Tara Collins is a very out there person. Talkative, loud, speaks her own mind and loves to be around with her friends, joking, laughing. she is friendly with everyone which makes her quite popular and also makes others quite jealous. Tara is a very independent person, doesn't like being helped but will help others. She also finds it hard to multi- task and doesn't know if that is because of her ADHD, Dyslexia or simply because she can only concentrate on one thing at a time. 

Tara is very daring and has always been the leader kind of person, she isn't afraid of many things. She seems to make anyone around her feel bright and cheerful when she talks to them. Tara tries her best not to make people feel awkward by telling jokes and being friendly to everone, except for those who for some reason dislike her. 
Likes: Music, Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger games (they share a talent for Archery),  reading, the colour red, jewlrey, photography and summer.
Dislike: The colour pink, reality TV, drama films, erted people, artists like Pitbul, Rihanna and Nicki Minaj.  
Fears: One day when Tara was younger she went to the dentist for a check up, and when it was her turn to sit in the chair the dentist asked which teeth he was pulling out. Ever since then Tara hates going to the dentist.

Tara also fears geting stuck in elevators, and so she always takes the stairs.
Habits: Tapping a beat with her fingers or pens, leaning back on a chair. 
Trivia: -Became an actress at the age of four.

            - Plays in a band called The Kickback Kids

             - Enjoys riding VERY fast rides

             - Can't swim

Talents: Playing, composing, singing and dancing. 



                Able to alter the weather around her (she always keeps it sunny)

                 Sometimes has visions of a persons future at first touch


Name of the Model/Ulzzang:
Lee Yeon Ju

Back up Model/Ulzzang
Name of Back up :
Kim Shin Yeong


Immortal Parent: Apollo
Mortal Parent: Lucy Collins/ 39/famous musician/ Loving mother of Tara/half asian.
Siblings: Lilly Collins/ 13/ musical student and band member of the Kickback Kids/ younger sister/ human.
Family Background: Lucy Collins was a rising star in not only the UK, but also around the world. Her fans nicknamed her rising star, because she always rose from the bottom of the stage with a spotlight on her. She had the voice so soft and sweet that it touched hearts, even Apollo. He fell in love, and so did she, resulting in Tara. Once Apollo found out that Lucy was pregnant at the young age of 24, he told the truth. This resulted in Lucy's trust for Apollo breaking for being lied to. And so he left. Once Tara was born Lucy made took a huge break from her career, then when she came back she released songs of heartbreak and sorrow, until she married her publicist and had their second child, Lilly.

Tara grew up enjoying acting and featured in a few movies like Harry Potter. Being the daughter of a celebrity already brought Tara into the world of fame, and so she often updates her blog, mostly with pictures that inspire her to write songs. When High School started Tara had to move to Greece on her own, Her mother never told her why just like her mother never told her about her father. And so she studied there, stopped acting and began playing gigs with the Kickback Kids, singing and playing guitar. Soon after Lilly joined Tara at the Music Boarding Academy of Greece.

Other Information

Best Friend(s) :  Kim Hyuna/ 15 / Daughter of Aphrodite 

                               Lee Seungyeol/16/ Son of Hermes
Friend(s):  Yu Hae Lim/ Daughter of Athena

                    Yang Seungho/17/ son of Hades

                     Park Sandara/16/ Human

Anything Special?: If a love interest is involved, i really don't care who i get so surprise me :D

Password: I love Posideon.


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xDDD no I don't mind another daughter of Apollo xD