My computer (update)

I FINALLY GOT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW I CAN FINISH MY STORIES!!! MWAHHAHAHAHAAHAHA FINALLY!!!! ONE PROBLEM: itunes.....I HATE U SO MUCH D:<  ugh!!!!!! just cuz my computer crashed does not give u my permisson to delete over 150 songs leaving me with 40 songs!! >:( now i have to download all of them again :'( it had my fav albums: ukiss's new album, almost all b2st songs ( TT^TT the worst , it took forever to find all those songs too ;w;), b1a4 album ( OMG NOOO), block b's songs T^T, code v's album (WAHHHH AND I LOVE ALL THEIR SONGS TOO! TT^TT) STUPID STUPID ITUNES! AND MY FAVORITE COVERS TOO!!! MY FAVORITE COVERS!! COVERS!!!!!!! DX wahhhhhhhhhh wahhhhh

and then u add junhyung dating hara just hurts even more <------ trying to get over my jealously rright now = = hope they'll be happy = =


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