92 truths

This had been passed to me, through my FB account, by my sister.

It seems fun, so yeah, I'll try it out. :D



1. last beverage = Water. Yum yum.

2. last phone call = my older sis

3. last text message = From my classmate, though it was just a group message. XD

4. last song you listened to = If I Can't Have You by Kelly Clarkson

5. last time you cried = Yesterday (After reading Walking With One Leg, written by OnceUponaTaem)



6. dated someone twice = how could I date someone twice, when I haven't even dated anyone yet? Jeez

7. been cheated on = How could I be cheated on, when I have never been in a relationship??

8. kissed someone & regretted it = Let me think. LOL. nope.

9. lost someone special = yes...my grandpa

10. been depressed = yes...when my grandpa died.

11. been drunk and threw up = Never!




12. Blue

13. Yellow

14. Green




15. Made a new friend = Oh yeah! :)

16. Fallen out of love = I haven't fallen in love yet.

17. Laughed until you cried = hmm...I wish I did.

18. Met someone who changed you = Nope.

19. Found out who your true friends were = I Believe so.

20. Found out someone was talking about you = I'm naive, so even if people were talking about me, in front of me, I doubt I would even notice it. XD

21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = I wish I did... Carbo... XD




22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = three-fourths

24. Do you have any pets = :( Charlie died when I was young...so sad...

25. Do you want to change your name = I'm happy being Melissa and Lei..so no. :))

26. What did you do for your last birthday = There was a program in our school that day, so I went home early, and spent time with family. :DD

27. What time did you wake up today = err..it's quite embarassing.... ten am. lol

28. What were you doing at midnight last night = daydreaming, before sleeping.

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for =

30. Last time you saw your Mother = just a while ago....

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = can't think of anything right now eh...

32. What are you listening to right now = fireflies by owl city. OMG....this song is quite old, yet, i'm still listening to it...I LOVE it! "you would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies, lit up the world as I fell asleep.." :))

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?= nope, but I have talked to a person named Jerry.

34. What's getting on your nerves right now = nothing

35. Most visited webpage = facebook, youtube, google and AFF (duh!)

37. Nickname = Lei, Lei-Lei, Ate Mel, LeiCute (though there is only one person, beside me who call me LeiCute...right, ma'am Jenny?? :D )

38. Relationship Status: Single. :)

39. Zodiac sign = Virgo

40. He or She = She! (duh)

41. Elementary = A school somewhere in the Philippines...

42. High School = A university somewhere in the Philippines... XD

43. College = Jeez, am still a high school student! haha

44. Hair color = black

45. Long or short = Not too short, not too long... sakto lng

46. Height = last time I checked, hmm... 5'2?? or 5'1 1/2. am not really sure. XD

47. Do you have a crush on someone? = I have many crushes. Want me to enumerate? *someone screams yes* nah. I feel too lazy to do that. XD

48. What do you like about yourself? =everything! haha. You have to love yourself for who you are, duh!

49. Piercings = ears

50. Tattoos = none

51. Right handed or left handed = Righty. :) It had been said that if you are right handed, the left side of your brain is dominant. I used to believe in this...until I realized I'm not really anylitical or logical. XD so, yeah....I don't believe in that theory. :)



52. First surgery = never had one

53. First piercing = ears

54. First best friend = a dude named Bochie. :)

55. First sport you joined = Jackstone XD

56. First vacation = Here at our house. XD, honestly, I don't remember going on a vacation on some other places..

58. First pair of trainers : ?




59. Eating = Nothing..

60. Drinking = Water. Yum yum

61. I'm about to = do nothing. lol. I wish I was. Anyway, I'm about to do some 'household chores' my family had given me...such as giving massages to every member of the family. XD

62. Listening to = Fireflies by owl city. :)

63. Waiting for = nothing in particular. Really




64. Want kids? = I'm still 13, and these things...gee, they don't even enter my mind!

65. Get Married? = I'm still 13, and these things...gee, they don't even enter my mind!

66. Career = hmm.... psychologist, writer or journalist.. even though I'm already a super Junior, I'm still not sure about what I want in the future. XD




67. Lips or eyes = eyes

68. Hugs or kisses = hugs

69. Shorter or taller = taller

70. Older or Younger = older

71. Romantic or spontaneous = romantic. <3

72. Nice stomach or nice arms = jeez...hmm...am I required to answer this one? XD hmm, honestly, it doesn't matter. lol

73. Sensitive or loud = sensitive

74. Hook-up or relationship = relationship

75. Trouble maker or hesitant = neither




76. Kissed a stranger = nope...

77. Drank hard liquor = i never drink

78. Lost glasses/contacts = haha. oh yeah! Thank goodness I found her, my glasses...

79. on first date = hmm...no way! wedding march please!

80. Broke someone's heart = Nope.

81. Had your own heart broken = Hmm...never been in love, so, I assume I've never had my heart broken. :)

82. Been arrested = NEVER! :D I'm a good girl. :)

83. Turned someone down = nope..

84. Cried when someone died= yes ;_;

85. Fallen for a friend = jeez. How many times do I have to repeat...I'VE NEVER BEEN IN LOVE! haha



86. Yourelf = Yes.

87. Miracles = yes.

88. Love at first sight =  I don't know. Like I said, I've never been in love, and I know nothing about love...maybe?

89. Heaven = yes. I wish to go there, when the day comes..

90. Santa Claus = nope. Our house has no chimney.

91. Kiss on the first date = ? I don't know...hmm...yes? no?

92. Angels = Yes. I do. I belive that there is an angel who is always with me.. :)


am done! hmm.....it's not really as fun as I thought it was.  XD but it was fun.. hehee




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Lol at #37, how did you know I'd be reading this? =P Hehe my cutie Lei!! <3 you loadsssss
fickyz #3
This is fun...