Undercover - Application






Information About You

►profile link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/79224
►what do I call you?:Alice
► How often are you on here?:8
► favourite singing group: SNSD
 favourite actor:I don’t have one, but I like the roleJung Yonghwa played in ‘You’re Beautiful’


Character Basics

►name: Emiko Im Jin Ae
► nickname: Emi


                          Joker – because of her personality

                          Hime-sama (‘Princess’ in Japanese)– because of how she is treated by her brothers
► height: 5ft 6”
► weight: 121lbs
► birthdate: 12/23/1995
birth place: Biei, Hokkaido, Japan
hometown: Bloomsbury, London
► age: 17 (international)
► blood type: A
 ►persona: Joker Bunny
► ethnicity: 50% Korean 50% Japanese 
►ulzzangKwon Su Jeong
► how you look:  01 }{ 02 }{ 03 }{ 04 }{ 05 }{ 06 }{ 07 }{ 08
► Everyday Clothing:

Formal  | 01 }{ 02 }{ 03 }{ 04 }{ 05 }{ 06 }{ 07 }{ 08 }{ 09 }{ 10 | She prefers to wear dresses for formal occasions, not minding the amount of skin she shows. Heels are a must; handbags, not really. Sometimes, she dons a jacket along.

Everyday| 01 }{ 02 }{ 03 }{ 04 }{ 05 }{ 06 }{ 07 }{ 08 }{ 09 }{ 10 | There is no style she follows all the time. She goes according to her rule ‘Nice? Wear it.’ Her choice of everyday clothing depends on what she prefers, mainly shorts and casual shirts.

Pajamas| 01 }{ 02 }{ 03 }{ 04 }{ 05  | Thepajamas she wears really just depend on the weather. If its hot, she sometimes just goes to sleep in her underwear. If it’s cold, she covers herself up like a cocoon. *Note: 01, 02 and 03 are pyjamas during spring/summer. 04 and 05 are pyjamas during autumn/winter.

Swimsuit| 01 }{ 02 }{ 03 }{ 04| She often chooses to wear two-piece swimsuits because ‘they have more designs’, she stated.

Undercover Outfit| 01 }{ 02 }{ 03 }{ 04 }{ 05 | Her undercover outfits basically just include coats to either formal or everyday outfits.

**note. When it becomes cold, she’ll put on her wool hat, cover herself with a winter jacketwear boots. Occasionally, she wears her mittens.


Getting to Know Her

Part-time Joker| Jin Ae is the famous one who works as a joker in her circle of friends. She brings joy to moody people, cheering them up. Her sense of humor is definitely not lame or boring. She tries hard to put smiles on faces, brighten up others’ feelings. It’s no wonder why she has such a large group of friends. Her joke skills and playful pranks help in her job. Not many would get angry at her if they get pranked by her, since they all knows she’s just doing her job.

Masquerade| In truth, she is really sensitive, seeing that she is a blood type A. She takes sarcasm as bullets to her heart. However, she still thinks of her job (as the Joker) and puts on a mask. She hides her real negative emotions with the fake, cheerfulness. Due to her friendliness, she receives little, almost to none, sarcasm. This results in her being, luckily, not negative.

Shadows take over| Everyone has a darker side, so why not Jin Ae? This takes place only when she’s at her end of the line, though rarely. She shakes uncontrollably, screaming out her stress or sorrows. She’ll attempt to look for any on of her brothers, so as to be in his protective hug. Once she goes into his embrace, she becomes silent. Her brother will have no choice but be the only one who can comfort her, counsel her, pull her out of the darkness.

Volunteer| All those who have met her, describe her as helpful. Helping others is one of her mottos in life. She often volunteers to do things and tries to get her friends to join her. One of the two advantages in volunteering is that she gets to make new friends. The other, is to hear more gossip which can help her with her undercover job.

On pins and needles| Like a common blood type A, Jin Ae can get very impatient. She is very much unwilling to wait for others. Her expectations of people include ‘being punctual or earlier than stated time’. Waiting is one of the top few things on her blacklist. When one is late, she gives that person at least an hour-long lecture on time, saying ‘If you’re late, the time we spend together lessens. And if you still want to spend the same amount of time, then my schedule will have to take in consideration the minutes waiting for you!’


----- (added info)

What did i just say| Off work, her communicating problems arise. Her voice is confident and loud enough when she is working. When she isn’t, her voice becomes timid and she stutters her random thoughts. Others will have to try and strain to listen to what she is exactly saying. Sometimes, when one can’t hear her and asks her to repeat for the third time, Jin Ae just decides to give up. She’ll raise both her hands, wave them around in front of her and say ‘Nothing~’ in a louder voice. She has troubles transferring her thoughts to words, so sometimes whatever she says feels like nonsense to others.


My own world| She has a very much different mindset than others. Hers is very, very hard to decipher and understand. No one understands her mind, not even her family. Actually, it’s a wonder how she even gained this negative way of thinking when she has lived a good childhood. She thinks a lot about everything. And those thoughts are always negative. For example, when she sees parents being biased towards their kids, she’ll ask herself ‘Would I dare to kill myself if my parents are biased?’. If people can actually read her thoughts, they’re shiver in fright since she always appears to be a cheerful child. How could she even have such a negative mindset?

  background: Her parents had met over a social dinner in Seoul, Korea. They formed a friendship after a simple chit-chat about their jobs at the dinner. Two months later, her father popped the question. Of course, her mother agreed ecstatically. They decided to move to Biei, Hokkaido, Japanand continue their marriage. The couple were set on Biei as they loved the colours during spring. Following from the 2 years in the beautiful place was the first birth of their oldest son. A second son came months after Jin Ae’s oldest brother celebrated his second birthday. The stork finally delivered the only female to the family when four years passed. The family was elated, they could finally fawn on someone, on a female. Jin Ae enjoyed her two years witnessing the blooming flowers before the family migrated due to her fathers’ job.

Her childhood was set in quite a large apartment in Bloomsbury, London. Along with her brothers and parents, she grew from the age of 2 to 14 there. Since young, one could already see the hyperactive her. She was always playing with her toys. With her parents, they would go to the playground or explore the beautiful nature. English became her first language in school, though her parents gave their kids lessons on Japanese and Korean. Her oldest brother joined soccer, while the other brother participated in baseball. Jin Ae enrolled in both the choir and the science club, since neither club was stressful. The siblings must have been blood-related to their parents, as one could see from examination results.

The family migrated once again, this time due to her mother’s job. Part of the reason was also to let the children experience life in one of their hometowns. They have been residing in Seoul, South Koreaso as to avoid the hassle of traveling long to get somewhere. Currently, she is studying in Hana Academy Seoul. Her second brother in SeoulInternationalSchooland her oldest brother in SeoulNationalUniversity.

  likes (4+)

(1)     Skinship– hugs are common

(2)     Animals– bunnies, pandas, kittens, wolves

(3)     Music – Vocaloid (Japan), anime opening and ending songs

(4)     Shows – animes, Korean Dramas, Japanese Dramas

(5)     Food – cheesecake, spaghetti, cookies and cream ice cream, waffles, chocolate cookies

(6)     Beverages – iced milk tea, hot chocolate, ice lemon tea

(7)     Scenery – night sky, beach, gardens

(8)     Artistic– decorating, doodling, drawing, sketching, photography


Friends and Family


Name ||Age || Relationship to Character || Occupation (their everyday job) || Is the Relationship Good or not? Explain || Alive or Dead

Im Hyun Seok || 49 (21st Feb, 1963) || Father || Doctor (Dermatology) || Good. He loves to spoil her but only does it occasionally so as to prevent her from being spoiled. He likes to talk about his work with the family. His job requires little time, allowing him to bond closely with his children. He loves to joke around, sometimes doing gags just for the sake of his family laughing. || Alive

Tsukiyomi Riko || 49 (17th June, 1963) || Mother || Lawyer || Good. She treats her daughter like a doll – she loves to dress Jin Ae up, even in the house. She’s a major shopaholic; thankfully her job gives her high pays. She doesn’t really act like a mother, more of a teenager. She still squeals at hot guys and has the latest gossip. Riko has always wanted her daughter to ‘get a freaking boyfriend and marry him!’ || Alive



Name ||Age || Relationship to Character || Occupation (their everyday job) || Is the relationship good or Not? Explain || Alive or Dead

Oldest Brother
Ikuto Im Jae Hwa || 20 (6th March, 1992) || Oldest brother || Criminalist in Undercover Agents; hides it with a bookstore cashier || Awesome. One cannot believe how protective he is of Jin Ae. He would love to lock her up in the house and not allow her to experience the ‘harsh reality’. However, he understands that she needs to explore the world so he doesn’t go according to his plan. His hobbies include teasing Jin Ae and flirting with girls, though he doesn’t need to since many just flock to him.

2nd Older Brother
Takumi Im Young Jae || 18 (11th April, 1994) || 2nd Brother || Part-time tuition teacher || Like twins. They could have passed of as twins, for all you know. They understand each other a lot, sometimes even jinxing each other while talking. They have the same joker and voluntary personality. Like every older brother, he is very protective of his little sister. He loves to fawn on Jin Ae.


Best Friend
Name ||Age || How they met || Job || Is relationship good right now or not? Explain || Alive or Dead

Misaki Akatsuka || 16 (20th Nov, 1996) || High School Student || Like sisters. They understand each other a lot. She knows what to do for Jin Ae in situations, and vice versa. Their relationship is as good as ever, even though they’re communicating only through webcams, phone calls and messages. Misaki is a very hyper girl, she’s like a bundle of energy. Excelling in sports, she often wins at competitions. || Alive

Tadashi Iwakura || 17 (6th July, 1995) || Idol Trainee || Another brother. Though not blood-related, Tadashi is a brother figure in Jin Ae’s eyes. Whenever her real brothers are not around, she goes to him. Nowadays, they don’t communicate with each other much since he has to prepare for his debut in J-Pop. He has a cheeky and humorous personality, gets easily jealous and is sometimes ignorant. || Alive

Abigail Alexandria Taylor || 18 (14th May 1994) || High School Student || Serve as confidantes for each other. They have never really met before, only her mother has seen Abigail. Jin Ae’s mother decided to get a pen pal for her, resulting in letters to and fro from Abigail. Since both need to relieve their problems, they decided to be a confidante for the other. Thus, Abigail knows almost everything about Jin Ae, and so does Jin Ae. || Alive




Name|| Age || How they met || Job || Is their relationship good right now or not? Explain || Alive or Dead

Hwang Hyo Rin || 16 (1st March 1996) || They seat beside each other in class || Classmates || Good. Their relationship is between friends and best friends. Hyo Rin is titled ‘Gossip Queen’ in HanaAcademybecause she always has lots of topics to gossip about. She is usually the one who gets the latest news, then spreads them. However, she takes care not to harm someone’s emotions with the gossip she spreads. This is due to her being a victim of gossip-mongers in her earlier years.

Yoon Ho Jun || 20 (28th June 1992) || Through voluntary work || Newspaper Editor || Good. Whenever Jin Ae gets news of a new voluntary event and is able to go, she calls Ho Jun to join her. The same goes with him. Many a times they volunteer together. Eventually, after meeting numerous times, they formed a real friendship and exchanged contacts. He’s a really kind and helpful guy, smart enough to reject crazy requests and not be gullible. 


Her Love Life

Rival (for your guy)

Name || Age || Occupation (can be an idol) || How They Met || How is the relationship before the rivalry? How is it after? || Reason for Rivalry ||
Her Personality

Shin Ga Eun || 18 (20th Aug, 1994) || K-Pop Idol – After School || Ga Eun started threatening Jin Ae to ‘stay away from my man!’ a while after Myungsoo created a friendship with Jin Ae. || She saw how Myungsoo paid more attention to her. She had longed for his attention. And when she finally got some, Jin Ae just had to come and steal it away. || Ga Eun is actually just an innocent girl who wants a guy to love her. She wants people to pay attention to her. She’s very competitive and tries hard to get what she wants. Sometimes, she can be very whiney.


Rival (for you)

Name || Age || Occupation (can be idol) || How They Met || How Do they get along? ||
His Personality

Lee ‘L.Joe’ Byunghyun || 19 (23rd Nov, 1993) || K-Pop Idol – Teen Top || Myungsoo introduced Jin Ae to him. || They are very comfortable with each other. It’s as though they’re childhood friends. They chat about anything under the sun; topics ranging from fashion to rumours, life to food. || He has a 4D personality, meaning he has different sides to him. Sometimes he’s kind, sometimes he has a bad temper. Though usually, he is very determined in whatever he does. His mood changes very easily such as from mad to happy.


Love Interest

Who are you picking?Kim ‘L’ Myungsoo
What group is he in? Infinite
What's his personality like? He is very shy around strangers, awkward when meeting them. Once you get to know him, he becomes friendly. One of his difficulties is expressing himself. He doesn’t really know how to do it thus, he tends to play the ‘cold ice prince’ role in the group. The unique part about him is his obsessive behaviour. He always starts a collection of items he likes; for example, he has the same kind of fedoras, but only with different colours. An air of quiet confidence radiates of him. He doesn’t show off and takes on the personality of L from Death Note – introverted and aloof – whenever he is on stage.

In reality, Myungsoo and L are different. L does not talk or do much while on camera. Whereas Myungsoo acts like an older brother off-cam. Myungsoo is the type of person who will get things done, and not leave it there half-completed. He is very determined and always tries his best, a trait found in little people. However, his best quality is diligence.

What is his relationship with your character after the story starts? (as of the beginning, unless there's a good reason, your character and chosen idol are strangers) At the starting point of the story, the two are strangers. As the plot progresses, their relationship slowly forms into friends, good friends, close friends and finally, girlfriend-boyfriend.

Has he always been undercover? Or was he just hired like your character? Undercover for 1 year and a half.
His specialty as an agent:

[1]  Crime Scene Inversitgator (the detective)

[3]  Forensics Scientist  (the one who finds the answers with science)

[2] Criminalist (responsible for finding fingerprints and is first on the scene of a crime. Also a detective,)

[4] Computer Expert (responsible for cracking codes, hacking and doing other cool computer stuff)

On a scale from one to ten, how good is he at his job? 9
What's his relationship like with other celebrities/the members in his group? In his group, he acts the role of an ‘older brother’. He cares for his group mates and can be considered as close to them as brothers. He is still kind of awkward with other celebrities though.


You've Been Hired!

How did you get the job? There was a period of days where a CSI exhibition was set up. At the end of the exhibition was a crime scene where they got people to try and solve the case. It was a really difficult case, one of the top Crime Scene Investigator of the Undercover Agents had thought. Meanwhile, the siblings were discussing the scene, trying to figure out who was the murderer. Their discussion slowly turned into a debate. They attracted the crowds, among them was the same Crime Scene Investigator. The Investigator recognized Jin Ae’s oldest brother as one of the criminalist. The brother had gotten the wrong answer, because of a small mistake. Jin Ae, on the other hand, got the correct murderer. The Investigator thought it was surprising because the criminalist had forgotten such a minor detail which Jin Ae had noticed. Hence, the Investigator’s and Criminalist’s recommendation got her the job.

Your specialty as an agent

[3] Crime Scene Inversitgator (the detective)
[1] Forensics Scientist (the one who finds the answers with science)
[4] Criminalist (responsible for finding fingerprints and is first on the scene of a crime. Also a detective,)
[2] Computer Expert (responsible for cracking codes, hacking and doing other cool computer stuff)

On a scale from one to ten, how good are you at your job? 9
Do you like your job? Yes! Reason being she gets to solve crimes like on television.
Password: SNSD / Currently, it’s a Vocaloid song named ‘Magnet’
Other Comments?: Nope. 



Additional Information

Type of room: ALONE

-          Bedroom: Her bedroom gives off the princess aura, to Jin Ae, thanks to her oldest brother.


-          Bathroom: It is quite a spacious bathroom equipped with a bathtub. The elegant bathroom makes her feel as though she is in a hotel suite.


-          Library/Study/Work Space: This is where she works at. With book references nearby, she need not walk to the public library and search high and low for books.


-          Balcony: The place where she relaxes herself. Accompanied with a telescope to see the stars at night, this is where Jin Ae just loves to take a quick nap. It’s also where she usually does her art pieces.




Main Characters:

Violet S

×           Beginning: She gives a good amount of respect, seeing that she is her senior, in both age and job. Sometimes, she makes a few attempts to advance into a friendship instead of colleagues.


×           Eventual: While working, the two act strictly as teammates, after Jin Ae sees how much of a workaholic Vi is. As members of an idol group, they act like usual friends. Though Jin Ae doesn’t joke much around her. Off work and acting, Vi somehow becomes similar to her mom.


Park Jung Min

×           Beginning: Since the two has similar personalities, they quickly become good friends. Occasionally, they work together as ‘partners-in-pranking’. However, she still gives him an appropriate amount of respect.


×           Eventual: He is in between the status of good-friends and brother in her eyes.


Kang Hye Jin

×           Beginning: Jin Ae wasn’t really comfortable around her since she gave her the impression ‘cold and silent’.  


×           Eventual: She became an older sister figure to Jin Ae. Seeing how they have the same sensitivity, she often confides in Hye Jin. Most likely, they bonded over watching the starry sky at night.


Shin Hyunseong

×           Beginning: She was really awkward with him and tries to avoid him.


×           Eventual: They know each other better though they’re as awkward as ever. They rarely talk to the other. If they do, it’s usually ‘How are you?’ or ‘Good morning’.


Xue Hyomi

×           Beginning: When they first meet, she gets a little scared of her looks. But she still tries to at least become a friend to her. They became friends a while after Hyomi showed her true personality.


×           Eventual: Good friends, they have become though she still can’t get used to her harshness. When she Hyomi isn’t bitter in her words, the two often have skinship.



×           Beginning: She doesn’t like how he flirts with almost all the girls he gets to know. This makes her feel really uncomfortable, that’s why she constantly avoids him whenever possible.


×           Eventual: She still doesn’t want to be near him. However, she will is she has to, though she’ll most probably ignore him.


Jung Hyun Wol

×           Beginning: She starts behaving her best, doing away most of her cheekiness while around her.


×           Eventual: She still puts on her best behaviour and listens to whatever Hyun Wol has to say about Jin Ae. When the criticism comes out, Jin Ae slowly moves away from her, but still stays in the room. Sometimes, she pleads Hyun Wol to allow her to play with Uyu


Lee Sungmin

×           Beginning: With his friendly personality, they form a closer bond than she has with Hyun Wol.


×           Eventual: They’re as close as before, if not a little more closer than the beginning.


Park Min Hi

×           Beginning: Jin Ae found Min Hi’s personaliy similar to hers, so becoming friends wasn’t a hard task for them.


×           Eventual: They become really good friends. Jin Ae likes to hear her babble about almost everything. Their relationship is between good friends and godsisters.


Oh Sehun

×           Beginning: When they first meet, Jin Ae tried to become friends with him. They did, after a few other meetings.

×           Eventual: ‘partners-in-pranks’. They’re always plotting to land a good prank on someone.



Side Characters:

Lee Eun Ae

×           Beginning: Jin Ae isn’t very fond of her bipolar personality. Nonetheless, she still tries to be at least a friend to her.


×           Eventual: They successfully become good friends. Jin Ae loves to hear her sing and will try almost anything to get her to do so.


Heo Yong Saeng

×           Beginning: His childlike personality is what made them friends. Both are quite cheeky.

×           Eventual: They like to joke around each other, have fun, play around.


Kang Jaera

×           Beginning: Alike with most people, Jin Ae successfully tries to get her to be a friend

×           Eventual: They didn’t really bond closer than the normal friend relationship.


Kim Hyun Joong

×           Beginning: He acts really cautious around people. That’s why she doesn’t really mind him. She only greets him and asks about his wellbeing.


×           Eventual: They start to talk more to each other. Jin Ae still doesn’t really mind him.


Yan Sooyun

×           Beginning: She treats Sooyun nicely. With her angelic side, Jin Ae feels the need to protect her from things which could affect the angel’s innocent mindset.


×           Eventual: Off work, Jin Ae acts like her sister. On work, she isn’t as near to Sooyun as she is when they’re not working.


Kim Kyu Jong

×           Beginning: His diligence receives praise but they don’t really talk to each other.


×           Eventual: They are in between the relationship of acquaintances and friends since they converse a little more than before.


Lee Miyoung

×           Beginning: They become acquaintances, not yet friends since Miyoung is very detecitive-like.


×           Eventual: Their relationship advances to friends since they sometimes meet up with each other to talk about their work.


Kim Hyung Jun

×           Beginning: With his always laughing and joking personality, being friends in inevitable. She tries not to make him mad, because she will be scared of him.


×           Eventual: They don’t contact the other as usual as before, though they still maintain a good friendship.


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