Happy Birthday ELFs!

I have never been more happy when I joined my Sapphire Blue family. Even though I sometimes don't understand their language; can't pronounce their names;don't know where they came from. It's felt so surreal to be in this fandom. We're more than just screaming hoard of fan girls waiting for our oppas. We're one. We're family. To be honest,I'm not really part of the 6-year journey of Super Junior but when my bias said that you don't need to be there from the start as long as you're there till the end made me feel like family. It has been a whirlwind of experience since I started fangirling. When I was starting,I didn't even know who the hell they are but it grew in me. It's like another chapter have unveiled itself in front of me and it felt amazing. I had a blast watching their music videos down to their dramas. I bleed sapphire blue blood and I will until forever. Every time our oppas cry,we do. When they're happy,so are we. It's a familiar brand of happiness you can't resist and you keep on coming back for more. I'm blessed to be part of this fandom. To 6 years and beyond! Happy 6th Anniversary ELFs! heartheart

Till next time,stay fierce and *banjjak* *banjjak*! kiss


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