Tagged by KaylaTrancy~


Rule one | Post the rules.
Rule two | Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.
Rule three | Tag eleven people and link them to your post.
Rule four | Let them know you tagged them!
  (Sorry!! I don't have time!! lajflkjsd)


1.) Which K-Pop idol would you marry and why?

Wow, I feel so guilty for answering this because I have a boyfriend... But then again he does know how much I love K-Pop and the members, so it's okay LOL Plus he knows for a fact that I have no chance with any of then so I have nothing to lose! yolo.

This is such a hard answer omg. I have so many bias!! Though it might be a tie between Jonghyun or Onew (SHINee). Yeah, Key is technically my SHINee bias, but for some reason I can definitely imagine these two... Hypothetically speaking that is LOL. Why? Well with Jonghyun, seeing how he treats a girl in that one show they were in, was absolutely adorable. He sure knows all the tricks into getting a girl doesn't he? Plus he's ridiculous, and a idiot, so I think we'll have lots of fun doing stupid things, like going to amusement parks, eating a bunch of junk food, or just hanging out. We can also be short together (I'm only 5ft tall... okay 4ft 11 & 3/4 inches) In addition to all this, he's unbeliveably y, so yeah, I won't go into details about that lolol omg.

Anyway, I also like Onew because I think it would be very cute taking care of him. I know he's the guy, but if I were to be in a relationship with him, I'd definitely like to be the dominant one. I'd like to spend our days baking food and feeding our bunnies that frolic in our garden haha.Not only that, but for one of our dates, I'd like to take him to a haunted house to see how he'll react. LOL I'm also curious what he'll be like when he's mad. idk. I want to see what that looks like... His rough side!!! Er I mean bad side!! Because his look in Rock of Ages was absolutely amazing omgg. :D:D:D

2.) Do you feel as though Shindong is outcasted by his weight? If not, what is it?

In my opinion, despite Shindong's weight, he didn't let that stop him with his job. He was able to prosper and make a name for himself in the shallow media, which I do admire because it's really hard to be notice when your looks aren't up to par as your other members. So yeah, Shindong, nice job! aha 

3.) How much SHINee merchandise do you own?

Honestly I don't own a lot /sob I'm a broke mofo. I do own their Lucifer cd, Lucifer poster, hello poster, SHINee phone charm, Shinee lanyard, SHINee cardholder, and SHINee pencilcase. Other than that, not a lot....adlkjfsdklj I wish I own more stuff, but no money alkjfsld plus I usually spend my money on either food or clothes... and shoes, lots of shoes. 

4.) Have you ever watched a music video by your favorite K-Pop group and hated it? Why?

I don't think so. I usually spaz over ALL of my favorite K-Pop groups mvs. I mean how could I hate it when their lovely faces are all over the video? xD

5.) On a scale of one to Key, how fabulous do you consider yourself?

Oh dear, how can I ever compare myself to perfection himself, the ALMIGHTY KEY??? Er... I dunno. probably only the K part of Key, I'm not as fabulous as him, though I do think I am fabulous.


LOL sike. Jk. I'm actually a -52

6.) How many tabs do you have open right now? What are they?

I have five tabs, first four are tumblr... idk why and the last tab is this lol

7.) Does anyone in your family like K-Pop?

Sadly no. They think I'm weird, but it's alright. More K-Pop for me.

8.) Have you ever eaten some yummy kimchi stew?

Yup! My boyfriend's ma often makes it as one of the side dishes whenever I come over his house. xD

9.) What time do you typically fall asleep?

Hm... Usually around 1am? 

10.) What is your favorite anime?

Gah, I don't usually watch anime anymore akjfl but I really do love Eden of the East, Michiko to Hatchin, Fairy Tail, and Inuyasha.

11.) Do you love me~?

Of course! Why wouldn't I??? Plus thank you for tagging me, this was fun xDD


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