The Tale of the Monsters...

Once upon a time, GD Mushroom lost his mind and decided to turn the other members into mushrooms too. Vampire TOP, Monster Panda and Taeyang 'not'Scissorhands were able to escape. But the unlucky Werewolf Daesung was caught. Leader Mushroom turned him into a half mushroom which made him frustrated cuz it was totally awkward to be half mushroom half werewolf. And now TOP came back to save his favorite dongsaeng from the evil Leader Mushroom....




...I don't know why I made this one LOL :)))


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LOL!! XD This is daebak! Hahaha. I totally agree with you!!
21_blackjack_21 #2
Top was only affected in the back. He was able to pull it off because he's smooth like that.
21_blackjack_21 #3
It's all clear to me now! XD You should post that as acomment on the teaser video!