010162012 STORY UPDATE: 소나기 BLOCK B

Hello to new subscribers! I am so happy that you guys subscribed to the stories!

So here's the plan, tonight I will be writing the ending for Taeil's version. A friend of mine requested a BAP fanfic so I will probably write a few chapters of it tomorrow.

Gosh, it's so humid and hot where I am now and it's not conducive for me to write effortlessly.

I hope to finish all the members of Block B for 소나기 by mid-June. If you think Taeil's was sad...Jaehyo's will be a litlle more melodramatic.

Anyway, please do comment and give feedback because COMMENTS are my BRAIN FOOD!

I am not good at creating posters and graphics and such so my stories will just be a plain wall of text so I really thank you guys for subscribing and commenting! It means a lot to me!

Gotta go update now!



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can't wait to read!