The Tensest Hours I've Ever Had, So Far

Hey Guys! ^^


Remember my ramnblings about my national exam? Well, I didn't have no reason to ramble like that.

I was nervous. It felt like every day closer to the national test my heart beating impossibly faster. And when I did the test, I wasn't really nervous at all, I've prepared since so far behind.


But tomorow is the day, the announcement of my test score.


I'm really scared. I lost confidence. The test seemed so easy back then, but who knows what would happen next?

I have a little belief. I really hope it won't be disappointing, or else my enrolling to a P.I.S school at my city would be useless, including the money.

I... I need some encouragement. I don't want the result being disappointing, and I have to enroll to another commercial, expensive school. Or on regular program. My parents, my sister, and my teachers, and my friends would so disappointed.


Sorry for the ramble, but I really do need to pour out my heart's thought. I can't keep it bottled. Sorry again ^^


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Don't worry, you already do your best!
Chinguuuuuu!!! Come here *hugs u*
Dont worry ne~ u will be fine!! TeHehehe
I know exactly how u feel but I have exams to do first hehe
Nywayss just take some deep breath and sleep enough ne~ u dont want to faint when waiting for the results hehe
Again dont worry too much ne~ ^^
Do let us know what u got hehe we'll always be here to support u!!
tari harus percaya diri and yakin pasti lulus!!!