Pretty Good Week So Far ^^

Holy crap it's June 1st O__O Dang where does the time go? Good news is, my birthday will be coming up soon (July 1st woot!) XD Kinda, sorta...I'm a little excited but not as excited as I used to get like when I was a kid over birthday's anymore. That's normal right? Anywho...


I had a pretty good week so far :) I helped my mom clean our church a bit, because my aunt who helps my mom went away for her wedding anniversary. I don't see my ma too often so it was nice spending time with her ^^ I live with my nana because my mom sent me there; when my step-dad used to have 'issues' lets say.

But he's clean now and a pretty decent guy (kind of he can still be arrogant), but I go over and visit off and on ^^ Plus she has two cats, one she found wandering around so they took him in and another they got from my step-dad's sister a little kitten. They're so stinking cute! ^.^ The kitten has little mitten like hands though, the poor guy :( But he can manuver around quite a bit X3

Tomorrow will be the last day helping my mom clean; but we still talk and see each other ^^

Some kids especially teenager's think it's like...a sin or unnatural to hang out with your parents O_O I love hanging out and talking to my mom and nana personally. I cherish every bit of it as well ^^ I know I have friends in real life too; but I dunno, I guess I'm more introverted maybe? Not anti social just a little shy and introverted is all ^^

My cousin teases me and asks my nana; why I never come out of my room...he picks on me when he comes over that's why ><

But I still think he's pretty cool ^^

Anywho random blog is random x3


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edherei #1
nana? advance happy birthday! :)