People are so stupid.. ._.

Like really.

Especially the girls in my school. I'm ashamed to be a girl because of them.

Ok, so have any of you read the book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell? You haven't? Well then, I'll give you a short summary of the book. Here goes.


So the animals and the farm represent Communist Russia. The "animals" are sick and tired of working their asses (cwidt ;D) off, only to be rewarded with minimal food and being forced to give their own product (milk, eggs, etc.) to the "farmer", AKA the Government or whatever. So, the animals, persuaded and encouraged by the pigs who are apparently superior in intelligence, rebel and attack the "farmer" and overthrow him so he leaves the farm. Throughout the book, the animals work hard at improving their farm and whatnot, but the Pigs have become corrupt. They start pretty much a dictatorship and nobody really notices because, well, animals are stupid. I hope you get the basic Idea.

(this is what Wikipedia said about the background or wahtever of the book: Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell published in England on 17 August 1945. According to Orwell, the book reflects events leading up to and during the Stalin era before the Second World War. Orwell, a democratic socialist,[1]was a critic of Joseph Stalin and hostile to Moscow-directed Stalinism, especially after his experiences with the NKVD, and what he saw of the results of the influence of Communist policy ("ceaseless arrests, censored newspapers, prowling hordes of armed police" – "Communism is now a counter-revolutionary force"),[2] during the Spanish Civil War.)



So you get what the book is about, right? Animals representing peeps from communist Russia before ww2

Alrighty then.

So we're reading this book in English and the other day we were having a discussion about the book with the class. The teacher asks, "How does the book make you feel? What do you think the message is? What do you think of the blah blah blah...".

I raised my hand with an (obviously) logical answer, but since my teacher for some reason hates me she called on this stupid girl in the class instead. 

You know what this.... pathetic excuse for a middle school Honors English student says?!

"I feel bad for the animals. I think people should start treating animals nicer and stop forcing them to do work for us and stuff."

Then another girl raises her hand and says, "They're just animals. We should treat them nicer."








And nobody even corrected her. All the guys + me and my NOT stupid friend were all just giving her the "wtf" face. 


The teacher kind of looked at her, then called on someone else.














And today something similar happened.

We were discussing/debating our opinions on whether the law that allows people to carry weapons with them should remain legal. Basically, should citizens have the right to bear arms. 

The first question asked was "What does bearing arms mean?"

So I explained to her, in detail and like it was the most obvious thing ever. I wanted her to feel bad.

So then we began our debate.

THe SAME girl who made the first comment on Animal Farm raised her hand and my friend whispered to me, "Be careful not to think too hard, *Lauren*. you could hurt yourself."

So the teacher called on *Lauren* and she said, "I don't think people should be allowed to carry weapons because when I see someone holding a gun in front of me I know they're going to do something bad. Also, if guns are taken away from people there would be no need to use them for "self defense" because nobody would attack anybody. Instead of guns, for self defense, people should learn martial arts and used knives instead."



1. If someone's holding a gun in front of you, its either because you ed up in life and you're about to get killed or you're in the WRONG neighborhood. And OBVIOUSLY if someone's holding a gun in front of you they have bad intentions, but like really? Thanks, miss obvious.

2. If guns were taken away from every citizen in the US, do you REALLY think that would stop attacks/murders? NO. Why? Criminals can EASILY steal or smuggle weapons from police, military, or out of the country places where there are guns. And even if they didn't use a gun, they could very well use a kitchen knife and kill you. What did you think they were gonna do? Be all like, "Oh well, my guns are gone. I might as well give up killing and go cut myself an onion to eat with this lovely, huge kitchen knife that's at my disposal."

3. Martial arts and knives? oh, that's MUCH better! I can't wait for our country to be peaceful with people doing martial arts and swinging knives at each other all the time! :D


I can't wait to go to highschool. I'll finally be in a class that suits my mental level xD


Any stupid tales you'd like to tell me? Please, i'd be fascinated.


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I died at the 'derp' picture.
Watch like the first minute. If she were the witch and everyone who pisses her off was Ellis, this is what would happen if we caught her in a trap :3

Anyways, so everyone is stuck talking to her and being nice because otherwise she's spazz and it's scary because she's stupid and says whatever she wants and like threatens to have her mom talk to someone.

And the point of this rant is because she gets B's in school but she should be in special ed.
School's a joke. =.=

(a tad off topic, but w/e this is what I have to deal with Dx)

I hate the format of AFF and I'm lazy so, this all looks like crap and I'm switching tenses XD <3

There is this girl. Her name is Kennedy (calling her Kenn cause she's a and doesn't deserve to have her name typing time thing take up my life)

Kenn is short, she had a constant frown and her skin looks like it's falling off her face (sagging), she has sharp eyes and she dyes her brown hair with red streaks, but then wants to be blonde so she dyes her hair with lots of blonde streaks. Anywho, due to this constant dyeing of her hair, it's like 300 different streaks all over it.

That's what she looks like, now add in she RETARDED. Oh wait, and she's a cheerleader and she wears thongs sometimes. In grade seven.


She a .
She gets everything and her mom thinks she's an angel. The boys in my class (who are like half friends, I hang out with them, but never after school lol, that's my time for mah gifted/smart friends ;D) HATE HER GUTS. It's SO funny XD they are sooooo mean. They were planning on getting her crush (I can read people so I told them who she likes because she did something to me that day) to ask her to the dance and if she said no, then say, OK, but if she said yes, they'd say "JUST KIDDING~ <3"

I'm not sure they should do that though, even though I hate her, that's kinda mean... >_<'

They guys in 7 and 8 were getting a ride from me at one of the rugby games and Dakota was gonna go to the car but Kenn's mom was in that direction and was looking at him so he spun on his heel and sprinted away. 3 of us were waling like a cult so we wouldn't be turned to stone (Medusa :P)

And the teachers can't do anything (she bullies everyone) because her mom will cause a RIOT and seriously, when she gets pissed it's like this:
midoris #4
Don't get too worked up about high school. It may not turn out how you expect it to. Dafuq am I saying? I only just got out of 8th grade as of Tuesday! ^^;; But omg. I read Animal Farm too! Napoleon was a total . But oh! One time, in Social Studies, our teacher asked this kid what the language of West Africa is. Correct answer: various languages because of West Africa's diverse population. His answer: West Africanese.
Oooooor. Another time. What years did the Civil War take place? Correct answer: 1861-65
His answer: 1973
OK, so, not being cocky, but my whole family is very smart.

My dad, insurance broker, amazing at math.
Mom. OMFG. If you met her, you'd think she's on drugs but she knows SO MUCH.
and my 4 siblings. They're EXTREMELY SMART,

OK, so, highschool is a joke to people with brains. Heck, not even really smart people, just those above average. now, one of my brothers was like that, (his talent is in something else) he's not an Einstein (he gets like A's a lot though), and he BARELY worked in highschool, sure there's a little homework (come on, look at Japan, North America is a joke), but it's easy.

You, I assure you, will do fine in highschool, you probably wont be using much of your brain capacity at all.

The school system is a joke. Not kidding, getting A's in highschool, who ing cares, it's a joke and everyone knows it if they have a brain (you' would pretty much have to be in highschool to know this but my mom... She talks about this sort of stuff A LOT).

Even in extra classes, you wont be worked as much.

The only good thing about the system is that stupid people can feel good about themselves.

Now, cause I'm irritated (I was watching Toddlers and Tiaras, most ed up families btw, I'm kinda pissed XD <3) imma tell ya bout' a girl in mah class named Kennady (I'll call her Kenn cause I'm lazyyyy XD)
I seriously feel SO bad for you.

I feel your pain bro.
There are too many stupid people in this world.
It's sad actually. Here's my logic:

Ok, so, stupid people are stupid, so stupid they don't know they cant support 13 kids, so they have a ton of kids, those kids are stupid because it's in their genetics. Then those kids had kids, but they have too many so there are even more stupid people.

That I would also assume would be why there are a lot of people in this world (only a VERY MINOR reason, but it's definitely having an effect).

SO basically, the rare smart people aren't having very many kids because they know what they can support (or maybe they're having a lot).

This obviously doesn't pertain to everyone (that should be an automatic assumption).

And just so you know, common sense, isn't so 'common' anymore =.=

I have many tales to tell, that's just the smart non raging part D:
I shall post another comment, one min :P