
Tagged by Sica--

Rule one | post the rules
Rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
Rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
Rule four | let them know you tagged them!



1. What feeling does Kpop give you?

Depending on the song it can comfort me, lighten up my mood, make me even happier or help me to recover from stress. (:

2. How come you started listening to it?
It was eh.. two years ago? My sister found something on google and she thought it was japanese (I listened to J-Rock before I started with Kpop) so she showed it to me. It was a video from arirang, actually a making of SHINee's 'Lucifer' so yeah I got curious and researched a little bit ^^

3. What makes Kpop special for you?
Kpop connects people from all over the world and gives fangirls more than one reason to live ♥

4. What does Luck mean to you?
It's something that not everybody has.

5. If there could be a place you could wake up where would it be?
Uhh....Wonderland? o: No, wait! Kpop Wonderland! xD (childlish me is childlish hehe)

6. If you could meet one Kpop Idol who would it be if it cannot be your Bias?
I don't really have a bias. Me likes everyone ♥

7. When you had the chance to perform one Kpop Song live which one would it be?
Hyuna's 'Change' or 'B Class' from DH2

8. If you got a text saying "meet me at 7pm at your school" would you go there without you knwoing it is your bias?
As long as it isn't early in the morning...

9. Who is the iest Kpop male Idol for you?
That's a mean question! D:

10. What would you do if you see you Ulitmate Bias lost in the city?
Eat him? Hrr~! Joke xD I would try to help him (secretly staring and fangirling too).

11. Would you go in the café you hate the most just because your Bias works there?
If the café is bearable then yes. Definitly yes.


Questions for you guys:

1. What was the very first kpop song/mv you heard/saw?
2. Did you like it?
3. First group/artist you learned to love?
4. First bias?
5. First favorite song?
6. "If I had the chance to have my bias for one day, I..."
7. Kpop: find for each letter a word that describes your thoughts and feelings towards kpop ♥
8. Do the same with the word 'bias'!
9. What kind of cookie is your ultimate bias?
10. I know my questions are creative ^^
11. Don't you dare to tag me! D:



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