from a temporary semi-hiatus, now it I am officially on a hiatus.

Philippines is a tropical country. Looking on the world map, it is near the equator which explains the types of weather we have, hot, very hot, super hot and cold every rainy seasons. The summer here is between the last week of March up and ends in May. My last update (Sweet Marriage [H]) was exactly last May 10, 2011. During those times, the weather was very unpredictable. Like, in the morning, it was very hot then randomly, in the afternoon it would rain very hard. This happened very frequent, almost everyday. If you have read the author's note of jankeira896 (writer of ~*A Twisted Cinderella Story*~), I had the chance to talk to her and tell inform you that I could not update. Just days after my last update, I started having migranes and severe headaches. I have myopia or near-sightedness with a grade of 500 left eye and 475 right eye. I have this connected sickness with my eye condition, it is scientifically called Syncope or in common words, loss of consciousness. I am very sensitive with crowded places and humid and hot conditions. Syncope starts with headaches then it would follow with rapid cold sweats, my skin will turn pale then my vision will eventually darken and the worse is totally collapse. My mom restricted me from too much radiation from televisions and laptop because my migrane became more severe. After a week, my body wasn't able to endure it anymore and I fell sick. I had colds, a very aching cough, and a very high fever which made me bed ridden for almost or more than a week. And so, to count, those had been two weeks already of not updating right? When I got well, I still had headaches but the intensity of pain ceased somehow. My mom continued to restrict me and of course, it had already cost her much from medicines like paracetamol and for my cough so I obeyed her and it was also for my own good that I complied. After that, it was already the last week of May. I'm not a High School student anymore and I am enrolled in a university in Manila. Well, I live in a province in Region III, specifically saying in Pampanga. I am taking up Bachelor of Science majoring in Pharmacy. Of course, college is very different from High School. In college, the teachers do not spoon feed students. As much as possible, we need to have advance readings to our topics and always be prepared for each particular class. I spent the last week of May, preparing to move in Manila. I also packed my things and clothes. I also spent time to contemplate and ready myself for college. Knowing my course, it is a very demanding one. I always spend my time just in my studies. After class, I will go to the library (always) to read references then head to our condo unit to study then afterwards rest for the next day of school again. My dad promised me a laptop but with the expenses we had and I told him to just buy me one in 2012. There is a wireless internet in the condo but I do not have laptop. What is my point here? Well, I am telling everyone that I will be on Hiatus. MY dream is to be part of the Dean's List. Pharmacy in University of Santo Tomas is originally only 4 years but selected students in our batch during our 4th year will be chosen to be given the optional 5th yr which follows the Pharmacy degree in the United States. Of course, I would want to take the 5th yr to have an opportunity abroad and for me to have a bright future. BUT I REALLY PROMISE, DURING MY SEMESTER, CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR BREAKS, I WILL UPDATE. Good luck to all my fellow students out there especially college students! :) Writing is a priority of mine but my first and foremost priority is of course my studies. It is for me, my parents and my future family. so I guess, good luck to me. yeah. thanks for understanding! HAVE A GOOD DAY! I LOVE YOU ALL! :) always take care arasso?


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jaekania #1
wish the best for you sist ;) fighting!!!!!!<br />
and i'll always wait your story :D
I hope u'll achieve ur dreams ;) and also take plenty of rest ok? tc *BIG HUGS*<br />
I'll miss u a lot T_T so FIGHTING!!! and try having fun with ur friends during ur college's days as well ;)<br />
and just drop by my profile when u'll be free even if it'll be in months XD i'll be waiting ^_^ and i love youuu ♥
alyssaq #3
Unnie! Get well soon! And Good luck on your studies!! <br />
You can do it!!! Take care also! :)
Aww good luck to u!!:) dun forget me and aff:) I will give u my support in everything u do! Mariangel hwaiting!!!
Nurarara #5
Hi baby! I miss you! I'll see you soon, ayt? ;D<br />
mariangel #6
i couldnt edit this blog post. =.= why is it in kjust one paragraph?!
Dapprima #7
I really don't know what to say. I wanted to give you strength but physically I couldn't. I am also here in the Philippines, a transfer student from Japan and I now know what you are talking about regarding the weather here in the country. I hope your sickness won't get worse. I do hope you get better. Even though I want you to update as fast as you can ... I do wish that you prioritize your health first. I hope you update not only when you have time but when you get better and feel like you really can. I support you dear. Though we are not that close ... I'll be here for you. I'll pray for you and hope that you get better and achieve what you want to reach for!