Tagged by Writtendlessly & -Ringo-


rule one | post the rules

rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions

rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post  

rule four | let them know you tagged them!


Tagged by Writtendlessly <3

1)  favorite kpop song?

ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME HERE WOMAN. HAHAHA I can’t answer thisssss eeep hahaah oh man okay okay if I had had had to pick it miiight be “I like you the best” by B2ST. Omg this song just gets me in the bestttt mood and I always sing along even though I don’t speak Korean and I end up sounding like a fool but whatevsss hhahah I actually made a “B2ST, I LIKE YOU THE BEST” sign in Korean for them when I saw them at kpop concert last year ^_^


2)  most hated kpop song?

eeeeek ok i really actually don't hate any kpop songs...ahahh but oh man ngl i really dislike bubblepop by hyuna...actually all hyuna songs are a bit....meeehh to me eep >_<

3)  what's your opninion on peanut butter?


4)  current obsession?

hmm, not sure what you're referring to here but i'll just give like a general obsession list? haha

ok so: reading fic (obvs), new girl (best show omg), modern family, jumpers + collared shirts + collar necklaces, spaghetti (omnomnom), infinite's ranking king show (saah good (Y) )

5)  favorite kpop groups?

Exo, Infinite, Teen Top, Shinee, B2ST, MBLAQ, CNBLUE, Block B, 2PM, BAP


6)  if you were stuck on an island what are the four things you would bring? (or what 4 idols would u want to be stuck with?)

hahaha oh wow ok ill do the 4 idols one coz that’s waaay more fun teeheehe


1.     Chanyeol: because I’ll defs need a happy virus on a deserted island! And if we need to procreate…im totes down with doing it with him HAHAHAHA also he’s tall and can grab..fruits and stuff from trees HAAHAHHA

2.     Dongwoo: because he seems super manly and strong and can protect me from things…also he looks like a wild beast himself so he can like …communicate with the animals on the island (wtf am I on about HAHAAH)

3.     Onew: because he’s so insanely smart and will probs figure a way for us to get off the island haha + he's a big babe <3

4.     Amber: because I need a girl on this island otherwise I might go crazy haha and she looks so cool and down to earth and I just want to be bffls with her okaaaay ^_^

7)  song that you were not fond of but now you love?

When I first heard DORADORA by Ukiss I was like ~meh, but now im obsessed with the song oh dear god these ilicious boyz <3


8)  why do you read ff? (and what are some of your fav?)

haha okay wow, good question. I love reading fic because it’s about people I actually love and sometimes just my imagination isn’t good enough ahaha also I prefer reading fic over books just because it’s actually about something im interested in cough boy on boy action cough hahaahah also some fic writers are srsly alskdjaslkdjamaazzeeee.


Soo many fave fics but if I had to choose a few:

1.     Falling For Someone Else (hunhan)


2.     I’ll Protect You (krisyeol)


3.  Hate That I Love You (myungyeol)


9)  favorite snack?

Probably sweet chilli + sour cream chips mmmm I prefer savoury over sweet (Y)


10)  (I DON'T KNOW XD) have you ever read hardcore ? (don't lie. we've all been der.)

hahah how hardcore is ~hardcore ahhaah but yeah not the biggest fan of :/ like I appreciate it and all but ill take fluff over it anyday ahah

11)  bias list? XD (ship list?)

SHIP LIST (just a few haha) ..mainly just exo ones hahha


2.     HUNHAN

3.     SUKAI


5.     SEKAI

6.     XIUCHEN

7.     YADONG

8.     2WOO

9.   ONTAE




Tagged by -Ringo- <3

1. What agency would you want to be in if you're a trainee and why? SM, JYP, or YG?

Hmm, this is so effing hard because all three agencies have insanely amazingly talented artists but i think i'll have to go with JYP, just because their training regime doesn't look thaaaat intense *cough* SM *cough* ahahah and also the JYP family look really tight knit and stuff esp in their christmas singles haha so i'd like that ^_^ also i'd get to be up close and person with wooyoung <3 ;)

2. If you were gonna debut as an idol, but you're told to have plastic surgery first, would you do it? And state why.

umm hell to the no, i dont really support plastic surgery and i'm pretty stubborn so yeah i would definitely not do it. tbh i'd be pretty offended HAHAHAHAAH but nah like im sure plenty of exercise + healthy eating can get the same result? unless they're talking about my face..pssh ma face is fine ahahah but yeah, uh no way :P

3. If you were in Disneyland when EXO was there (or any other bias group if you're not an EXOtic), would you follow them around too with the other fans, or would you just watch them from afar?

ohmyjesus, i would srsly faint if i was in disneyland at the same time as exo ahaahha i would probably just like kiss the ground they walked on.....um because im an insane fangirl i would probably stalk them for a bit, but then my friend would probably talk some sense into me or put like a leash on me so i would stop hahaah but yeah then i would just proceed to watch from afar aahahah

4. Which idol would you want to have the same body as?

kahi from afterschool, biggest babe out, esp at her age! wtf i want to age like her ahhaha


5. If you found out that your bias has a girlfriend, but that girlfriend happens to be your close friend (ohgod this is pretty unrealistic but hey.), what would you do?

HAHAHAAHAHAH oh man, since it's a close friend i'd defs be very happy for her and ask her to hook me up with my bias' groupmates/friends aHAHAAHH im so sneaky :P but yeah man..so jelly ahahah

6. If you knew that your favorite idol group is disbanding, what will you do to cope with that fact?

i would legit cry a river of tears and just hole myself up in my room like an emo kid and watch videos of them back in the day and just touch my laptop screen and cry ~*~whyyyyyy .... oh god i sound insane HAHAHAHA but yeah no it would feel like a part of my heart has been ripped out

7. Would you rather be a songwriter who's going to work with your fav group in telling them how to sing it and stuff, or would you rather be a stylist and work with them too, but you're picking their clothes and hair and makeup?

ohhhhh tough question!!! i think i would choose to be a songwriter, just because at the end of the day we're going to be making something together and it's gonna last a long time ^_^ but oh god that would be amazzzzziiiiing :D

8. If you were given a chance to attend a concert of your favorite idol group, but then you also know that another group who's also your fav has a fanmeeting at the same time, which would you go to?

HOLYALKSJD9ULAKJSD CRYING. OMG. SRSLY. TEARING MY HEART APART GUUUHASD okay i guess, i really can't give up actually meeting an idol group so yes..i think i'd choose the fanmeet..... also lots more fanservice happens at fanmeets ;)

9. Give your top three favorite fanfictions of all time.

^check above ^_^

10. Stuck with your mom and your ultimate bias in an elevator for eight hours, or two hours with your fav kpop group but you're being ignored because they're tired as f-ck?

aw mannnn, if im with my mum i can't actually do anything with my bias AHHAHAHAHAHA but aw man i dont want to be ignored either!!!! :C HAAAARD. umm okay fine. i'll be in the elevator with my mum + my bias aHAHAH in 8 hours time they'll get to know each other really well and i'll be like ~oh mum meet your future son in law HAAHAH ^_^ and 8 hrs with my ultimate bias mmmm, the things we'll get up to when my mum is asleep AHAHAHAH

11. In your favorite idol group, which one do you think is the weakest based on singing/dancing/rapping abilities? Be honest.

okay let's go with EXO K <3

ok i hope i dont start like hate mail towards me eeeeep but if i had had had to point out small very small weaknesses, i might say that i find suho quite...average in dancing/singing, but he defs makes up for it in his amazing leadership qualities <3 and also personality/looks etc etc and i still adore him and respect him (7yrs training laksjdlksadj <3) but i just prefer other peoples' singing/dancing to him :S (plz don't hate me haha :C)


My Questions:

1. Describe your ideal meeting of your ultimate bias.

2. What uncommon pairings do you ship?

3. If you could make your ~perfect idol group who would you put in it?

4. In your fave idol group, pick someone you wish you could marry/have as a best friend/have as a sibling.

5. Favourite game you've seen on a variety show (even better if you can link a video!)

6. Do you prefer it when vocalists rap or when rappers sing?

7. If you were an idol, what would your ~hidden talent be?

8. If you had to take your ultimate bias around your city where would you go and why?

9. If you could film a show with your ultimate bias what would it be and why? (we got married? hello baby?)

10. If you had to, what colour would you dye your hair?

11. Would you rather never be allowed to read fanfic again or never be allowed to have a kpop song on your ipod/mp3? (ohh :P)


I tag:









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hehe, thanks for answering!
now i'll answer yours XD
lmao procreating with chanyeol XD