First time being tagged :D


Tagged by SuperCatma ^^
Rule one: post the rules
Rule two: answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it will be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
Rule three: tag eleven people and link them to your post
Rule four: let them know you tagged them!
1. What first got you into KPop?
Back then I only like anime/manga and jpop but then all of my friends were into kpop and they tell me about them. At first I really have no interest, but then I am. :D
2. Who was the first KPop artist you listened to?
DBSK *Japan song though*
3. First Idol group you fell in love with?
Super Junior
4. Are they still your favorite?
No... >_<
5. Who is your bias in your favorite group(s)?
I have two bias each. :D can't really choose
BEAST - Junhyung&Hyunseung
FTIsland - Seunghyun&Jonghun
6. Why is this person(s) your bias? Why do you like them so much?
Since I think about them almost all the time. And everytime I watch their videos or looking for their photos, I'm going to look for my bias first.
7. What are your favorite songs by this group(s)?
BEAST - Special, etc
FTIsland - Soyogi, Stay, Let it Go, YUKI, LIFE, After Love, etc
For me all of their songs are my favorites TT 
8. Do you have any siblings, and if so, do they like KPop?
A brother. He doesn't really care about KPOP. When we go out and I ask him to play my KPOP songs he doesn't mind it and sometimes he follow the music too. 
9. What do your parents think about it?
My parents like BEAST. 
10. If you could go anywhere with your bias, where would you go?
I want them to go to my heart *lol* just kidding. Maybe... Zoo??
11. Can you speak Korean?
I'll learn someday.
12. Can you sing or play any instruments?
unfortunately no :((
13. Would you be a KPop star? What label would you choose?
No, I prefer to be their manager and stalking them. :D CUBE!
14. Your dreams...
- Learning all countries language
- Want to see my favorite group's concerts
- Mangaka
15. Favorite pairing?
junseung, giseob, doowoon, seunghun, wongki, minjae, zhoury
Just do the questions I did please~
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