Tag Game [Tagged by: BeHappy]

rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

BeHappy's Questions:


1) Do you think I'm a vampire? (Srry, I just had to ask this one.)

Based on your AFF and your current fanfic, I think you're the complete opposite of the a vampire. You see the type of person who is really optimistic and eats candy and stuff XD LOOL

2) Do your parents know that you have an AFF account?

No. If I told my mom I think she'd go on AFF and somehow stumble over an M rated one... And then she'd probably think I write that stuff and make me delete my account TT TT

3) What would you do if your favorite kpop group was disbanding?

I don't really want to think about it. I think I'd get really depressed and cry for a week... yeah IDK I'll tell you when it happens XD

4) If given an oppurtunity would you go into SMentertainment, YGetertainment, Cube entertainmet, etc? and why?

I'd maybe join Starship or TS. They seems to really treat their idols well and they promote really good. For example, when B.A.P and Boyfriend debuted, the other groups in that company didn't somehow go missing for a really long time. Sistar had Hello Baby plus they came out with a new song and Secret is currently in Japan. They seems to be really friendly with each other too. YG seems like a really good company too^^ And maybe WM Entertaimnet (B1A4's company) They promote realy well^^

5) List all the groups you wished never debuted.

Just Chocolat, but I don't think they shouldn't have debuted. I think they should've waited longer before debuting. It seems like they rushed their debut and they're lacking in many areas... I don't see anything that really stands out about them other than the fact that 3/5 of the members are half korean :/ 

They're company promotes them (well, mostly Tia) like they're models... They're idols not models ><

6) List ONE kpop group and which member has the weakest skill and the stongest skill and why.



Jinyoung [Composing and being a grandpa]   CNU [Dancing] Sandeul [Singing!] Baro [Rapping and Variety Skill] Gongchan [Variety and being photogenic XD]


Jinyoung [Dancing] CNU [Variety Skill] Sandeul [IDK for him. He seems really well rounded...] Baro [Flexibility (?) LOOL XD] Gongchan [Solo singing... he seems really uncomfortable when he sings solo ><]

7) IDK why I'm asking this one, but how old are you? (I wanna see if I'm the youngest and I honestly doubt I'm the oldest.)

I'm 14^^ Born in late February, 1998

8) Ideal type?

I know this might sound kinda cheezy, but I want a guy with a good heart... Most guys my age like hot bikini girls that flash their bodies and s all over the place... Right now guys seems so shallow.... I want a decent guy and a gentleman. One that holds doors open for you not just because he wants to impress you and one that treats his girl like shes a person. Not a sandwich making machine. One that is kind and is not selfish and knows when to take things seriously and when to make jokes. Theres more, but I feel like I'm writing too much...  

As for appearance, it'd be nice if the guy was taller than me... I'm not saying he has to, but it'd be nice. Cuz right now I'm one of the taller people in my class (I'm 165cm or 5'4") but I know that the boys will hit some kind of growth spurt and then in the end, I'll be one of the shortest girls TT TT

9) List a bias and why you like him/her.

EXO K Suho. Hes such a sweetie^^ (Yes, I know hes older than me)

He seems like such a gentleman and he has such a kind heart :3. Like during this one interview he said that he wanted EXO K to give back and not just take. So during their trainee days he and EXO used to go to a home with special needs kids and old folks homes (or something like that... I could be wrong) to spend time there. He seems so kind and genuine^^ Plus he has a nice voice too :3

10) What do you think about my fics? (Go check them out. You can look at the shorter one. Its "Quotes About Life")

I've only read Quotes about life. If you have another one I'll be sure to check it out^^

I really like Quotes about Life. Its really inspirational and it makes my day to read it^^

11) How is the weather over there today?

Its... raining. Hard. :( Its been raining like this for the past few days.... I wish it'd be sunny... 


KissMiBANA's Questions

1) How old are you guys?


2) How did you get in to Kpop?


3) What was the first Kpop that you saw/heard/watched? First impression?


4) Your bias list 1-10. If you don't know for some numbers, you can double up :D


5) Your top 5 Kpop groups. No doubling up for this one!


6) Have you read my fanfics? If you have, what do you think about them?


7) What is your ideal type?


8) Which kpop idol best fits your idea type?


9) If you could, would you audition to be an idol? If you would, what would you audition for (rap, singing, dancing, acting etc.)?


10) What are your interests other than Kpop?


11) Say something about yourself. Let your AFF friends know something about you :D



whitelove/ chunjinnie/ NamWoohyunWifey/ LovingHimx3/ --xelectrobutterfly/ Starshinezfy/ Lady-El/ girlfriendkissme/ salty-sugar-puff/ BlueLover1102/ ECFanfiction

I'm sorry for any misspelled usernames! D:





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