♔ 9s - 9 School ♔ [Application] Woo Boyeon








 워오 보 연 / Woo Boyeon













Ready GO! (#np 4Minute Ready Go.)


AFF Username: BesoFinal

AFF Link: Here!

What name to call you?: Besofinal, if it's ok :)

Activeness: In a scale from 1 to 10: 9


Into Your World~ (#np: EXO Angel.)



Character name: 워오 보 연 / Woo Bo-yeon

Nicknames: - Byunnie: A playing with the words ''Bunny'' and ''Unnie''. Her younger sister gave it to her when they were younger.

- Winnie - Her father gave her this nickname, just because he wanted something cute to call her.

Age: INT: 18 / KOR: 19

D.O.B: 1993 / 09 / 05

Birth Place: Incheon, Korea

Hometown: Incheon, Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

( just telling you: her father and mother are both Koreans - but her mother was first born in America in a Korean family. Later on when they both had met in America, they moved together to Korea and got children. )

Languages: Fluent in Korean. Able to converse in English.




I Am The Best! (#np 2NE1 I Am The Best.)


Woo Boyeon is a cool and yet intelligent girl that has ever since her early childhood liked to speak her mind. She likes organized and secured surroundings though, which can make the people around her a bit tense, but still secured.  She's confident in herself and will set loose whenever she feels like it though. She knows when she shouldn't perform a certain thing and barely backs down on it. Boyeon also has a tendency to often let the other members ''take the first bite of the apple'', if you know what I mean. She has no problem with staying silent for a while, even though she might want to take over the troubled situation. But in that way, staying on the side and watching is what I mean, she has learnt a lot about what kind of person she actually is. Boyeon's definetly a dorky person though, but she often keeps that part of her hidden. When she gets into a great mood though, the more wild and childish part of Boyeon that just likes to have fun comes out.  

But only because Boyeon is able to speak her mind, she's not that outgoing around strangers and she actually hates first meetings with people. When there is such meetings, she tends to raise her mental capacity max high and never show her weak sides. She might even stress herself up. The people she meets the first times, either sees her good sides or is turned away on her first seen, stiff personality. But don't get fooled by that, Boyeon is actually a very friendly and social person, but sometimes she easily gets confused about new people and gets a bit dumb/unknowing around them. Because she makes so much efforts into the meeting and is so careful about it, she easily gets tired and lazy afterwards. But it is not only with meetings she does this. She often pushes herself to her limit, and later on she falls down into a coma. This is Boyeons' way of handling things. Therefore she needs to rest much more then the other members after stages/concerts/shows. The reason for her acting like this is because she always wants to make a good first impression on people. 

Boyeon may often find herself in the role of the classical ''peacemaker''. She is usually quite generous and warm, so she tries to solve the fights between certain people by carefully handling them on her own mature ways. She is also very observant of other people, and is able to sense what is wrong before others might do. Both of these things have caused people to often rely, trust and depend on Boyeon.



- A pair of comfortable sneakers.  When getting out of a pair of high-heels after a long day, sneakers are Boyeons favorite pair of shoes to put on at that moment. Therefore she often carries a extra pair of them in her bag, wherever she may go in high-heels. 

- Road trips.  Boyeon loves trips in general, but she especially likes road trips that are made on buses or trains. On those trips, she either sleeps, listents to music or studies.

- Polite people.  The ones who are polite towards Boyeon will always stay closer to her heart.

- Disney movies.  A bit of a childish side to Boyeon, is that she loves the classical disney movies, such as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and the Beauty and the Beast. These movies are Boyeon able to watch a hundred times over.

- Wine. When it is available, Boyeon can drink bottles of it. Sometimes she can control herself though. But she can still tolerate alcohol pretty well and rarely gets drunk, only does she get a headache the day after she drank the wine.

- Rest.  Out of alll activites, this one is Boyeons favorite one. She especially likes to take a nap at afternoons.

- Board games.  There's something old-school about Boyeon, and this is it: she likes playing board games instead of video games. Often does she also insist to the other members that when they get the free time, they should play board games.

- Mathematics.   Boyeon likes school in general and thinks it's ultra important with having education. Math is her favorite subject.

- Microwave popcorns. A snack that Boyeon began to like because her mother liked it. Her mother is originally from America, and since she missed home sometimes, she would often bring it home when they had just moved to Korea / when Boyeon was younger.



- Babies. Why Boyeon dislikes babies, is mainly because of their personalities: being greedy and selfish, but also their crying. She knows that babies can not be the smartest ones in the world, but she still can't tolerate them. One thing that is worse then babies? Carrying babies. 

- Horses. She was bitten by a horse when she was younger at her uncles farm. Ever since she has had a great fear and great respect for horses, especially big ones. 

- Ice. Boyeon is terrified of stepping on ice and would rather go 10 metres extra, just to skip walking on it. This has also caused Winter to be Boyeons least favorite season.

- Skating.  Well, if she doesn't like ice, why on the world would she enjoy to skate on it? 

- Farms.  Not only is it because of the whole ''Horse incident'' that Boyeon dislikes farms, it's also because she have bad memories from her childhood, when she would sometimes visit her uncles farm. Her uncle was often very cranky and greedy, so he wouldn't let her do anything on the farm, except for working on it. So those experiences have definetly not helped Boyeon to enjoy her stays on farms.

- Beer. It has such a bitter taste to it.

- Most of seafood. When eating seafood, she will be a bit disgusted by it. She's ok with fish, but food such as octopus or clams are just gross.



- Studying. A lot.

- Swimming at local gyms.

- Writing down random lyrics.

- Resting-



- She kicks a lot when asleep. The kicks can also be quite strong, so no one really wants to share a bed with her.

- She cracks her knuckles or neck every minute or so.

- When she is nervous, she speaks in a very low and quiet voice.

- She yawns a lot, even though she is only slightly tired.



- She wears glasses quite often, if not performing on stages.

- Her lucky number is 4.

- She is better at English (then most Koreans), just because her mother is originally from America and taught her the language.

-  She has a tiny scar on her stomach after one of her many fights with her younger brother when they were younger.

- Her family has a poodle named Wild that is 5 years old.

- Her laughter is very open and loud.

- She has a talent for studying.

- ( Only with ulzzang Park Hwanhui ) When she debuted, she recieved a lot of comments about her appearance being a mixture of SNSDs' Taeyeon, 2NE1s' Dara and Rainbows' JIsook.


Does your character use profanities? Sometimes

What languages does your character usefor profanities? Korean. Maybe sometimes English.


Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world? (#np 4Minute Mirror Mirror.)

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Ulzzang / Model name: Park Hwan Hui, or Hana

Ulzzang / model pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Full gallery here)

Back-up Ulzzang / Model name: Kim Ha Yul ( with this ulzzang, I'd consider Boyeon as more of the y, but yet intelligent, member? ^^ she may fit as The Athlete with this ulzzang more, just because she has a nice body )

Back-up Ulzzang / Model pictures: 1 2

Style: Boyeon is definetly not the fashionista. She likes simple clothes and never really puts so much thought into them. All she knows is that she likes to wear hats, necklaces and skirts. Her members blames her for her bad taste and weird perspectives in fashion(especially The Fashionista in the group), and in some crisises, they might even help her out picking outfits.



1 2 3 4 5 6


1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4


I will be a person with pretty heart because I hate myself as that I haven’t known about anything until now (#np Remix SNSD Dear Mom and BTOB Father. (?))



Name: Woo Mi-young / Sarah Woo 

Age: INT: 52 / KOR: 53

Birthday: 1960 / 02 / 03

Personality: She cares a lot for her family, and often forgets about her own personal values.

Relationship with your character: Miyoung is very proud of Boyeons so far efforts as a SM trainee: but still can't stop worrying about her daughter. Therefore she often texts Boyeon, asking if she's eaten or if she's staying well. Boyeon patiently answers all these calls, sometimes with an negative attitude, just because the texts can be so many. But Boyeon still loves her mothers care.

Miyoung is of American descent, and has taught Boyeon to be better at English.

Dead or Alive: Alive



Name: Woo Ki-gyu

Age: INT: 55 / KOR: 56

Birthday: 1957 / 04 / 21

Personality: A intelligent and kind father: that has a lot of childish sides to him, despite his age.

Relationship with your character: He likes teasing Boyeon a lot. Other then that, they share a natural and casual relationship.

Dead or Alive: Alive



Younger brother

Name: Woo Dong-shin

Age: INT: 16 / KOR: 17

Birthday: 1996 / 02 / 04

Personality: He is very energetic and outgoing: can be a bit problematic sometimes though. He likes going out at nights.

Relationship with your character: It includes a lot of fights and bullying.

Dead or Alive: Alive



Younger sister

Name: Woo Hyo-won

Age: INT: 13 / KOR: 14

Birthday: 1998 /  09 / 11

Personality: Hyowon is a energy ball and likes to do anything that includes running around. Other then that, she 's an innocent sweet-heart.

Relationship with your character: Hyowon is very sweet towards her older sister and looks up to her a lot. Boyeon enjoys her sisters company.

Dead or Alive: Alive



Name: Woo Hyelim

Age: INT: 19 / KOR: 20

Birthday:  1992 / 10 / 01

Personality: She is very hard-working and likes to be active. She can be a bit shy though.

Relationship with your character: They're rivals and often tries to avoid each other.

Dead or Alive: Alive


Best Friend

Name: Park Sun-young, or Luna

Age:  INT: 18 / KOR: 19

Birthday: 1993 / 08 / 12

Personality: She is very spontanues and likes to keep herself on the move. Rarely does she give up on things and gets excited for small things.





Name: Kim Min-hee

Age: INT: 18 / KOR: 19

Birthday: 1993  / 05 / 12

Personality: Boyeons ''study buddy'' that goes to the same high school as her. These two are inseparable once meeting in school, and will often follow each other around.






Name: Seo Joo-hyun

Age: INT: 20 / KOR: 21

Birthday: 1991 / 06 / 28

Personality: Seohyun is a very inspiring and positive girl that likes to do things her own way. She is also the type of person that cares for others a lot.


Name: Choi Min-ho

Age: INT: 20 / KOR: 21

Birthday: 1991 / 12 / 09

Personality: Minho never really wants to get into trouble and therefore cares for others much.



We Got The Power! (#np B.A.P Power.)


Name: Woo Hye-lim, or just Hyelim. (from the Wonder Girls)

Reason: They're cousins: but that doesn't mean they're all good with each other. Them being relative have only increased their rivarly towards the other one. When they both became trainees, they realised how much they actually wanted to become idols, and both of them fought well for their positions in a girl group. But since the situations being trainees got so heated, so did their relationship with each other. If they would meet, they often would nag on each others opinions about SM/JYP. Somehow, it eventually became a fight about ''who would be the most succsesfull idol in the end''.


My Heart Will Catch You And Never Let You Go~ (#np SHINee Hana.)

Name: Kim Minseok, or Xiumin. From EXO-M.

Personality: Xiumin is probably the nicest EXO member: well, atleast according to Boyeon. He is often there to lend a hand or give advices to somebody. 

How do you act each other?: They act like normal friends: talking a lot and giving advices to each other.


What’s your relationship?: Dongsaeng-oppa. 

Do you keep in contact?: Yes

If yes, how?: Through supporting text messages/phone calls.

Any scene request?: 

It is Boyeon who in this scene gathers up her courage and decides to confess her love for Boyeon. They meet up behind stage at a music show, in a lonely room. She confesses, quite awkwardly and shy, and Xiumin of course gets shocked about this. It takes a long time for him to answer, but when he hears that the next performance is supposed to be EXOs performance, he quickly tells her that he's not ready for this sort of relationship, and says its best for them to not be something more then friends, now that they need to handle their idol jobs. Boyeon doesnt answer, too dazed and nervous, but Xiumin can see her pain. He wants to deep insise console her, but he has to go perform. But when he quickly leaves the room and Boyeon stands alone, he can't help to worry how much Boyeon was hurt because of this, first being rejected for her feelings and then left all alone.

He is certainly correct: and Boyeon stays in the room, sobbing, until EXOs' perfomance ends and a member of 9 School finds Boyeon in the room.



La-la-ladies Gentelmen (#np SNSD Trick.)

[5] The Face – The one who has many fans. But she doesn’t date any of them in order of being an idol. A good girl with the face that boys would swoon over. Charm: Prettiness.

[8] The Smart One – Her score is always 3 digits. Only sometimes she got 2 digits. She’s not so popular, just like normal girls. Charm: Smartness.

[4] The School President – Teachers’ hands. She’s known as the School President even tough every School President likes to scold or what. This School President is kind. Charm: Kindness.

[1] The Fashionita – She loves fashion, she got the money, she got the trend and of course girly. Even tough like that she’s well-behavioral. Charm: Her fashion sense and trend.

[6] The Tomboy – Her friends are boys. She only has 4-5 girl friends. She’s fun too boys but sometimes to boyish to girls. Charm: Her boyish side.

[7] The Athlete – She’s school’s hands in sport. She won the first place in national and international competition. But due to trainee times she couldn’t follow any competition again. Her body is perfect and face also. Charm: Her ability in sports.

[3] The School Hater – She’s rich, she got the money, cars, house, and face everything. But she hates school and wants to do music. She took courses in replace for not coming to school. Charm: How naïve she is in not continuing school.

[5] The Forgotten – The lonely girl. She’s always bullied without a reason. Secretly she became SM trainee even tough she’s still bullied and all alone. Charm: Patience.


Your character is from … School:

[4] Hwagok High School (17 – 18)

[5] Yeom Kwang High School (17 – 18)

[3] Daegu Youngshin High School (17 – 18)

[1] Hanlim Arts High School (17 – 18)

[2] Byeongjeom High School (17 -18)

[6] Dong Duk Female High School (17 – 18)

[ ] Sangmyeon University ()

[ ] Dongshin University ()

[ ] Dankook University ()

[ ] Howon University ()

[ ] Hanyang University ()

[ ] Chungwoon University ()


When did SM asked you to join SM?: Her cousin, Hyelim, was a JYP trainee and Boyeon had heard of the tough but still rewarding training she did. Boyeon decided, since she was already so into singing and dancing, that she would audition for SM. She did the first audition in early 2009 and was accepted on her first try-out.

What year does SM asked you to join SM?: 2009



[ ] Leader

[ ] Lead Dancer

[ ] Lead Dancer

[ ] Main Vocal

[ ] Main Vocal

[x] Lead Vocal

[ ] Lead Vocal

[ ] Lead Dancer


Back-up position:

[ ] Leader

[ ] Lead Dancer

[ ] Lead Dancer

[ ] Main Vocal

[x] Main Vocal

[ ] Lead Vocal

[ ] Lead Vocal

[ ] Lead Dancer


Individual fanclub name: Popcorns

Individual fanclub colour and code: Lime green -#99ff33



Last But Not Least...

Suggestion?: Don't really think so, might say some later!

Comment or question?: Hope you'll like my form ^_^ I also hope you thought it was okay with Boyeons love story turning out to be not so good.. I couldn't really write it in any other way ^^''





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