haefany4eva tagged me :)))


Rule 1

Post the rules

Rule 2

Answethe set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.

Rule 3

Tag eleven people and link them to your post.

Rule 4

Let them know you taggethem!





1. What group are you currently obsessed with?

Mmm.....B1A4 and others =3

2. Is there a pairing that you dislike? 

Nope! Not at all! :D

3. Do you read any of my stories? (Just wondering!)

I forget, but I think I do c:

4. Do you like any new groups? 

B1A4 <333

5. What are you currently listening to? If you're not listening to anything, what was the last thing you've listened to? (Me Engrish is starting to come... o_O Now I don't even know if my sentences make sense...)

I'm listening to B1A4's new song!!! Baby Goodnight! Love it sooo much! <3

6. Is this your first time being tagged? If not, how many times have you been tagged? 

Yes, it is .... *hides in the corner*

7. Is there a group that you stopped liking?

Super Junior. MIANHAE!!!! =(

8. How long have you been a KPOP fan?

1 year and 7 months! :D Just counted like...last night..? xD

9. What's your favorite song from BIGBANG? (If you listen to their songz...) 

Fantastic Baby :)

10. Who is your 5 of your biases! (Can be boys and girls~~) 

Gongchan - B1A4

Kevin - U-KISS


Seohyun - SNSD

Taeyeon - SNSD

11. Is this boring...? (Cause I know my questions are pretty boring...)

Naw, not really ^^


Who should I tag.....?








Here are ze questions :D

1. Who was your first bias? And is him or her still your bias?

2. Do you like B1A4? If you do, who do you like in the band?

3. Do you guys read any of my stories...?

4. Random question, what do you think of me? xD

5. What is your current favorite song?

6. How did you guys like/love KPOP?

7. Who do you like from EXO?

8. What songs can you dance to?

9. What is your favorite drink?

10. Are my questions lame? I'm sorry if they are, can't really think of any questions, that's basically why...

11. Pick one:

a) EXO

b) B1A4

c) SHINee









Have fun~!


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