Home sweet home


Got back from DofE this afternoon...

So exhausted :c

Everything itches: my face, my eyes, my ears, my legs :/

I don't even know what it is...I don't even have hayfever...


I have bruises on my shoulders and my hips. They hurt.

I am all icky and burnt and I have done no work for school tomorrow...no change there then XD

I cannot believe I missed Eurovision ;_____; I love that show

Anything exciting happen while I was gone?






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YOU'RE BACK :DDD oh have to go to school now, talk later <3
there were 2min moments and stuff ;_; i missed u
I didn't watch eurovision either, though I promised my friend that I would xD

You haven't missed anything (that I know of) just 2min naturally loving each other~<3 :)