Tagged by Starrysky890 (Please read)


rule one / post the rules
rule two / answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom)
                 and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three / tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four / let them know you tagged them!

rule five / Then party hard!




Question 1: What's your favorite movie?

- Kung Fu Panda ! :D 

Question 2: Do you enjoy reading?

- Ummm if that includes Fanfics then yeah ~ lol x)

Question 3: What couples to you ship?

- Adam Couple
- JunHara 
- Goguma Couple
- KhunToria 
-  L.joe & Sohyun
- Taemin & Sulli

Question 4: What's your favorite kpop song?

- I can't pick between Step by KARA & Ayo by SHINee ♥

Question 5: What would you do if your bias was at your place?

- I would be shocked and freeze for a second then I'll act normal even though in the inside I'm very nervous and spazzing my head off ~ 

Question 6: Would you ever want to have the chance to save your bias or someone's life in return of yours?

- Yes :) because . . . (not gonna say the reason xD) lol

Question 7: What kind of stories do you like?

- The Nerd kinds . 
I think the reason why I like those type of stories is because in the story the guy finally realizes that looks doesn't matter .
And I like that kind of theme ^^ 

Question 8: Do you like to just lay and look at the sky?

Yupp, did that during middle school but sadly I can't do that in High School *sighs*

Question 9: What do you like the best about kpop?

- The Music ~ ♫

Question 10: Would you want to go to Seoul or Tokyo?

- Gahh ! This is hard but I have to pick Seoul since that's where my no. 1 dream lies :3

Question 11: What would you have if you were able to have anything in the world? 

- A person's heart that I love .




My 11 Questions ~ ! :3 


1) What are your hobbies ?


2) What is your dream that you want to be in the future ?


3) If you were able to switch bodies with a Kpop Celebrity who would it be and why ? (Please tell why specifically) 


4) Who is your no. 1 guy bias and girl bias for now ?


5) What is your favorite Asian FanFic right now ?


6) What is your favorite Korean word/sentence ?


7) What is your ideal type ?
(At least put 3 traits that your ideal type has to have)


8) How would you confess to the person you like/love ? 


9) Which song reminds or describes your situation or feelings the most ?
(It doesn't have to be at this moment , it could be from the past .)


10) What is your favorite word/sentene that you would ever say to the person that you like/love in Korean, English, & in your own language .


11) What is your limit would you have between a person when it comes to dating/marrying? 
(For example : It would be ok with me to be dating a guy who is 10 years older than me .)




I tag


I don't have that much friends but I'm ok with that so I'm sorry for not tagging 11 people ^^;
& You don't have to do this if you don't want to :)


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