Tagged. :)

Aw. I've been tagged. Thanks! Here are my answers. :D


Let’s play a tagging game!

rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!


Bias: Kim Ryeowook OMGOMGOMG AAHH~~ LOL. OH and Key. <333



1. If your bias suddenly starts rubbing your back, what would you do?
- OMG I MIGHT DIE. LOL. xDD Hmm. I would, cry even more. AHAHA~~ Jk. I'd probably blush. Hehe. *spazzing*

2. "You're the only one for me." says a member from your favorite group in front of your bias. You will...

A. Playfully Agree and say, "You're the only one for me too"

B. Say "i only have (insert bias' name) in my heart"

C. Other (please specify)

- I would probably do letter C. xDD I'd thank him for it. IF AND ONLY IF he meant what he just said. :)

3.  Your second bias kisses you on the cheek in front of your bias. How will you react?

- I'llblushdeeplyandlookdownonthefloorandmyheartwouldgolikeafreakincheetahandzebraswouldprobablystartswimming. LOL.
I'd probably be half happy and take a look at his reaction. 

4. Your bias Kisses you on the lips in front of all s, how will you react?

-fjkagtrlafoagtkbjksdlsdjkgtklsjdgjkdjgjltrlsjblbgdfjkbgvlsjbowierhowiuergtjmlmncsj,bg. IMMA DO A PARTY FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. LOL. I'd blush ever so deeply and kiss him back. LOL. I'm naughty, I know. xDDDD

5.  You're dating your bias and he wants to go public with the relationship. What will you tell him?

-"Are you sure about that? Why don't you think it over? It's not gonna be easy for the both of us." <------

6. Your bias is sick and you have to take care of him. He suddenly starts to call your name and tells you not to leave and that he loves you. You...

-Will slap myself and pinch him. And I'd probably ask him a gazillion times if what he said was true. I'm one of the types that don't believe easily. :DD

7. You get drunk at a party and was brought into a hotel room by someone you can't pinpoint. You wake up with your bias next to you in the bed, you have two options. 1. To go away quietly and never bring it up ever again or 2. Wake him up and tell him to take responsibility of his actions. Why would you do what you chose to do?

-I choose a part of number 2. I'd probably freak out inside and patiently wait for him to wake up and have a fairly nice talk.

8. Name your bias in SHINee.


9. You are at a club dancing and feel some one grinding against you. You turn to see your answer in 8. At that point you have no idea who he is. Would you 1. Let him grind against you and grind back. or 2. Push him away. Why?

-I'd do both. Haha. Push him away at first at first and if he's persistent, I'll give in. <333 LOLOLOLOL. My corrupted thoughts are getting with me again. Haha. 

10. Then the two of you stop dancing and decide to get some drinks. He buys you a drink and starts conversing with you. After awhile, the two of you get pretty wasted and the two of you can either 1. Get a room. or 2. Part and never see each other again. Explain why.

-OMH THIS GOT ME THINKING. :DD I would.....................................Get a room. LOL. I wouldn't wanna waste a chance to talk with him, though I'm not quite sure if talking will be the only thing we do there. And In the morning, if we manage to wake up after the talk last night, I'd ask him if he wants to stay connected with each other. :DDD

11. Did you enjoy this tag? And will you tag me in your tag too? :D

-YESYESYESYESYESYES. I enjoyed this so much. :DDD
And, I would never EVER forget to tag you back. Hihihihihihihihii.




AND NOW. FOR MY QUESTIONS MWAHHAAHAHAHAHA~~~~ LOL. These are all pretty easy questions. I think.

Please indicate the name of your bias. Thankies. :DDD Muah Muah Tsup Tsup. xDDD

1. If you got a backstage pass to a concert of your favorite artist/group, then went to their dressing room and find your bias resting with his/her eyes closed on a couch, what's the first thing you'd do?
A. Spazz
B. Take a picture
C. Admire his pretty face
D. Steal a kiss.
E. Spazz


    2. What was the first thing you noticed about your bias?

3. If ever (I'm sure none of you guys has only one bias. xDD) you were in an island with two of your biases, And there is only one boat FOR TWO that can take you back to civilization which can actually last for one ride only, would you?

A. Take the boat by yourself and leave them behind, no matter how hot they are. xDDD
B. Let them take the boat and stay on the island.
C. Pick one of them to ride it with you.
D. the boat, you'd all stay in the island and live happily ever after. xDD

4. What will be your first reaction when your bias tells you he/she hates you because he/she thinks you're obsessed with him/her? [[ OMG I JUST CRIED WHEN I ASKED MYSELF THIS. :O ]]

5. Describe your bias in ONE letter and explain. xDD

6. How would you call you and your bias' OTP?

7. What would you do if your bias if he/she asked you to perform in front of him/her to earn a date with him/her?

8. If you were offered a job on your favorite group's company, what kind of job would you take and why?

9. Your bias just told you that you guys were blood-related, how wold you react?

10. Okay, for some love, your bias suddenly pulled you out from tha crowd and called you his/hers. What would you do?

11. If one day you wake up to find to find your first and second biases proposing to you, who would you pick and why? 


Ehehe. So, the tagged people are:













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I'll just do this sometime.T^T too lazy to copy-paste it.......-3-
1. If you got a backstage pass to a concert of your favorite artist/group, then went to their dressing room and find your bias resting with his/her eyes closed on a couch, what's the first thing you'd do?
A & E.

2. What was the first thing you noticed about your bias?

3. If ever (I'm sure none of you guys has only one bias. xDD) you were in an island with two of your biases, And there is only one boat FOR TWO that can take you back to civilization which can actually last for one ride only, would you?

4. What will be your first reaction when your bias tells you he/she hates you because he/she thinks you're obsessed with him/her? [[ OMG I JUST CRIED WHEN I ASKED MYSELF THIS. :O ]]

5. Describe your bias in ONE letter and explain. xDD
Why not numbers?

6. How would you call you and your bias' OTP?
Weird OTP.

7. What would you do if your bias if he/she asked you to perform in front of him/her to earn a date with him/her?
Don't wanna date.

8. If you were offered a job on your favorite group's company, what kind of job would you take and why?
idk? XD

9. Your bias just told you that you guys were blood-related, how wold you react?

10. Okay, for some love, your bias suddenly pulled you out from tha crowd and called you his/hers. What would you do?

11. If one day you wake up to find to find your first and second biases proposing to you, who would you pick and why?
Don't wanna marry them.


I guess you're dreaming of you & your bias getting married often. XD