stupid. nguuh


1. Post the rules
2. Answer the set of questions the tagger sent for you in their post (the list will be at the bottom of this post) and then after, make your own list of eleven questions. 
3. Tag eleven people and link them to your post
4. Let them know you tagged them.  
no one's going to read this anyway so.
1. When was the first time you listened to Kpop, and what song was it?
I'm not sure but it was when i was younger. I think it was Sunset Glow - Big Bang. not sure :s
2. Who is your favorite Guy group or Girl group?
Guy group -INPINITEU!
Girlgroup- Apink ~
3. List your top 5 bias (could be either male or female)
don't you think this is too harsh on me?
-Kim Myung
- Kim Ryeo
-. Lee Sungyeol
- Lee Howon (Hoya)
- Shayne Orok
4. If you accidently met your favorite K-pop idol, what would you do?
Attack him. LOOL jokes ~
i guess i'll be brave enough to talk to him and such.
5. Which K-pop artist do you admire the most and why?
Leeteuk. maybe. 
ahh, this leader is the best leader ever and has to take care of 14 other children. 
He has to keep a pretty smile when he's losing his kiddies
6. Why do you listen to K-pop? Eg; Their looks, their songs, their dancing
what kind of question is this? LOL
7. Which K-pop artist pairings do you ship?
myungyeol~ <3
8. Which K-pop group/member do you dislike and why?
idk really. there's one that i'm not really fond of but i don't hate them or anything
9. What do you think about K-pop idols getting plastic surgery?
kwanghee.... LOOL. 
10. Which K-pop artist do you resemble the most, and how?
sungyeol. omg
we're silly and immature kids who play around while everyone else is serious.
11. If Kpop no longer exists, would you be okay with it? How would you react?
k bye, carrots.


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