A biggest Happiness as a Fanficcer

Being a fanficcer is really an incredible moment. I can develop my writing skill and my hobby to tell stories about anything, and above all, I can ship my Korean idols, esp. SiHae harder and harder! Yep, my OTP is Siwon and Donghae; the most real couple, EVERRR!

However, I’m kinda sad when I read blog posts from a fanfic writer that told about when people read their fanfics, they have to comment and subscribe their stories, or else they will unsubscribe the readers. I can tell how much they hate silent readers.

As a fanficcer, of course comments and subscribes are the happiest things for us. But, should we force people to do that? What if that attitude can lose the essence of writing fanfiction itself?

So, for me, I won’t EVER do that. I wrote some simplefanfics and it’ll be a huge pleasure when I know many people read them, esp. when they comment and subscribe my fanfics. And if they don’t, I don’t and I won’t take it as a big problem. I will give my fanfic readers the freedom whether they comment and subscribe. Why? It’s because I can’t force people. As simple as that!

Don’t get me wrong. Of course I’ll be happy when my readers subscribe and even give some comments about my fanfics. They don’t only give me beautiful comments, but sometimes they also give me critics about any lacking in my fanfics. And that’s absolutely FINE!

When they do that, I feel like I’m the happiest fanficcer in the world, seriously. Every time I read a new comment from one of my reader, you won’t know how happy I am. I’ll be like “Khikhikhikhi....” a crazy child who just gets a new fancy toy. I really am.

For me, when someone read one of my fanfics, it’s like an award that given to me who’sstill so damn amateur as a fanficcer. So, if I see that way, I already have thousands awards for my fanfictions, right?

In the end, I’d like to say an extremely and super-duper countless thank you for all of my readers. And for who already gave comments and subscribe my fanfic; you guys are unbeatable AWWWWWWWWWWWWMAZING! Maybe I can’t send you message or wall post one by one to tell how thankful I am. But trust me, your lovely comments, critics, and interests about my fanfic are the things that literally makes my day, that fulfill my busy daily college activites with sweet candies, that encourage me to write some more, more, more, and more.

I love you, guys! ;)


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kian86 #1
Is nice to know that u love ur readers even if they are silent ones, sometimes I want my subscribers to comment but I can't force them but the fact that my stories are being read, is what makes me really happy. I'm totally with you and it makes me sad too how some writters force comments to their stories only to be featured.