Tag Attack~

Wow, I got tagged like 3 times, I love my friends. Saranghae~ *throws hearts*

rule one | post the rules.

rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.

rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post.

rule four | let them know you tagged them!  


Questions by XjennykimX

1. What are you procrastinating on by doing this?

Hmmm nothing, I'm a free little bird currently~ :D

2. Do you think of North Korean people as a separate entity from South Korea people?

Yes, definitely

3. Saddest moment of your life?

Hmm, I don't think I have any yet. But most probably failing almost all my tests. D:

4. Your ultimate girl bias and why.

Must I really answer this? I have too many D: Hmm, but Sooyoung if you really need an answer, she's so pretty yet so realistic.

5. Your ultimate boy bias and why.

Hmm, I think Sungjong. He has funny interactions with his hyungs, and also he is divalicious~

6. How many pillows do you sleep with?


7. What do your parents think of your obsession/liking of kpop?


8. Your favorite karaoke song to sing? (Doesn't have to be Korean)

Countless. Currently it's a draw between Sleep Well, Goodnight and The Chaser

9. Do you decide whether or not you are going to subscribe by its foreword and title?

Yes, of course first impressions count.

10. An embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

Being awkward on the subway...

11. What do you love about yourself? What do you see in yourself that you think, wow, I would be jealous of someone else had this trait and I didn't (Physical/Personality)

Hmmm, I have good people skills?

12. Do you believe life already has meaning when we are born, or do you think we create meaning as we go?

We create meaning as we go, we decide our own future., that's why we work so hard.

13. Do you see yourself as more of a social butterfly, a loner, or someone very involved in one group? How does it make you feel?

Focused mainly in one group. It makes me feel that I am being anti-social by neglecting the rest.

14. Do you wear make-up/dress-up nicely everyday of only on special occasions?

Whenever I go out. :D

15. Do you have a tumblr? :D Link me!

No I don't. Too complicated for me D:

16. What is the color you wear the most? (Clothing, makeup, underwear, whatever... XD)

Hmmm.. Black!

17. What is the sport/instrument/skill/academic subject you are best at?

Hmm I don't have anything I'm good at D:

18. What is one place you want to travel to, but not live?

Europe maybe?

19. Name two idols you would want to be best friends with, but not date.

Sooyoung, Sunny.

20. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how superficial do you think you are?

8, but I'm only human~

21. Your iPod/music player is on shuffle. What are the first three songs you get? OR tell me the most meaningful three songs you have listened to and tell me why they are so meaningful.

1. Sleep Well, Goodnight.

2. Power.

3. The Chaser.

Reason: They are nice, no other reasons needed. :D

22. If you were an idol, would you want a screen personality that was different from yours or would you want the world to see you as you?

Different screen personality. Keeps people interested~


Questions by Acarlex

1. first kpop group, and what song?

I don't really remember, but I think it was Gee, Girls Generation or Bang! By After School

2. Which fanclub have been apart of the longest? Since when?

SONE for 3 years.

3. Kpop song you can't stand (I mean, there's gotta be at least one.)

Actually I don't have one, or maybe I haven't found it yet~ XD

4. mastered any dances? if so, which ones?

I cannot dance, no more explanation needed.

5. what do you dislike about rookie groups?

Hmm, having a lousy debut.

6. which company do you like the most; JYP, YG or SM? and why?

I like Woolim and Pledis the best. Cause they're consistent.

7. favorite 90s song? (sorry i'm listening to my ipod and Backstreet Boys is playing so i just had to ask)

What songs are from the 90s anyway? Oh! *after Googling* I believe I can fly, Uptown girl.

8. favorite pasttime?

Rotting away while watching videos.

9. current obsession?


10. what do you want to be known as? (nickname wise)


11. favorite variety show? Strong Heart? Star King?

Invincible Youth and a lot more.


Questions by TaeLin

001. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?

Going back to sleep XD

002. Before you logged into asianfanfics, what were you doing previously?


003. Ultimate bias and why? Only one.

Only One? Sooyoung then, she's so pretty and classy but she's also so real.

004. Do you sing in the shower?

That's a secret~ :P coughcoughyescoughcough

005. How'd you find out about asianfanfics?

Googling OTPS.

006. Which fanclub have you been part of the longest? How long?

SONE for 3 years

007. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?

Any Kpop shop.

008. What's something you would change about yourself?

I need to be taller. :(

009. What's something you absolutely can't stand?

People who cannot accept different things and bash.

010. What's something you have no regrets doing?

Spending my life in Korea.

011. What's your current obsession?

B1A4 and INFINITE's Comebacks.

Now, it's my turn!

1. Favourite KPop groups? (The Top 3 will do)

2. Which concept did you like the most and why?

3. What do you think about the increasing popularity of KPop?

4. What do you think of fanwars and anti-fans?

5. Which idol will you date? (if you were girl and if you were a guy)

6. Favourite song ever?

7. Any underrated groups?

8. Songs that you use in real life? (Fantastic=Wow fantastic baby)

9. Favourite OTP, any nickname for them?

10. Any group you hope will comeback soon?

11. Any concert experience? (if yes, whose and if no, whose do you hope to go to)


I tag: Everyone who reads this cause I'm lazy :P


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