tagged by awesome people xDD (BananaYogurt and Kim_Hanyu)


Questions from Kim_Hanyu

1.        What do you think of f(x)'s fandom name (Plus)?

    For me. It kinda sounds like some mathematical term xP

2.       Favourite KPOP parody (i.e. 2 am doing Bad Girl, Good Girl)

    SUJU doing Gee ofc xD

3.       If you could gather any idol to make a group, who would it be, why and what would you call them?

    Uh, all the dancers, cause I love to see them dancing. “Crazeh Machines” <- Randomm

4.       If you could make the theme for a group's comeback, what would it be and which group?

    Steampunk for either T-ARA or Secret

5.        In connection to questions number 4, why did you pick that theme?

    Cause I can imagine them wearing awesome geary-formal outfits, they have great bodies *w*

6. If you were part of a group, what position would you want or be and why?

    4Minute or f(x) , then rapper. Cause I wanna hang out with both Hyunah and Amber :oo

7. What would be the first thing you do in Korea?

    Shop till I freaking drop.

8. Which 2 idols would you want to get married (asdfghjkl; Khuntoria)? And why?


9. Which rookie group are you expecting the most out of?

    BtoB !!!!!!  –endless exclamation points-

10. Favorite KPOP song cover (from anyone)?

    Does Heechul singing Shock count? XDD

11. If you could put a KPOP idol in one movie, who would it be and what movie would it be?

    Jonghyun… as the dino in Jurassic Park (ok kill me now |D )

Questions from BananaYogurt


1.JunKwang or BangZelo????

      JUNKWANG <3<3

2.Would you pick Kittens or Choi Junhong a.k.a Zelo? (It's a trick question)

      Not found of Zelo so Kittens .w.

3.Do you get bashed because you like K-POP?

      Once, but idgaf ;p

4.Do you consider Henry Lau and Zhou-Mi as part of Super Junior together(I do) and why or why-not?

      Of course! Once a SujU ALWAYS ONEEEEE

5.What is your favorite fanfiction you have read so far and who was in it?

Oh Um… Lots~ That’s hard but I guess anything made by Cereal :D


6.  What is your favorite K-Pop song and why?

LOLOLOLZ. Ya like to include hard questions xD Ok I’ll pick one that is randomly picked… Mystery by B2ST

7.  How many fanfictions have you wrote and pick your best one??

If you’re talking fanfictions in general I’m sure it’s more than 10. Best one? I don’t know… I think all my fictions are fail DX

8.If you were to hang out with 2 K-POP Idol's for a day,who would they be,where would you go,and why chose these two?

      Taemin and Minho… an amusement park and because~ I want some lovey dovey fanservice *o*

9.What is the best choreography you have seen in a K-POP music video or live performance,ect.

      Not that I’m for mainstream people but srsly I’m for SUJU’s Bonamana. Both MV and Live ;P

10.Which K-POP band or solo artist has the best group name,fandom name,and fandom color. (can all be different like,fav band is BEAST,fav fandom name is cassiopeans if I spelled it right and fav fandom color is Super Junior.)

      Favourite band: SHINee
      Fandom name: BlackJacks

      Fav Fandom color: f(x)

11.Do you think Shinhwa should have made a comeback? Why or why-not?

      Yes of course. They’re one of the greatest groups there and they have such strong bond :33 Plus I love their track “Venus” :D

I’ll tag people and make questions later or some other time owo


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But Cereal's fics are mostly Rated M... PEDO DONGSAENG!