Hello guys. I write this just to tell about my feeling about OTP.

At first,  I don't have favorite pairings but later on I have many favorite pairings.

And also at first I like popular pairings like Kangteuk, Kyumin, Onkey, Jongkey, EunHae, 2min (Yeah, I read BL and love to see their interaction, that's thanks to my friend XD) but I don't know why somehow I don't like those pairings anymore. I felt like they are too mainstream (?) Hahaha But sometimes I still like EunHae kkkk~

Now I like not-too-popular pairing or rare pairings hahaha... I don't know why and when, it's just happened. I like to read everyone/teukie especially Kyuteuk and TeukHae! <3 I also like everyone/Jonghyun. I like Jongtae, Jongho, and Jongyu. Oh, oh I like 2Hyun (Jonghyun/Kyuhyun) because both of them have  beautiful voices and have such an interesting personality.  And from this you already know that my biases are Leeteuk and Jonghyun hahaha.

I also don't mind about leeteuk pairing with some girlband's member, the truth is I like it. And like the others, at first I like taeteuk but now I don't really like it anymore. But Jonghyun is another story, I don't like him paired up with girl XD, the only one I aprrove maybe IU hehehe

One more thing, the straight pairings I like Hyomin/Joon or someone else with Hyomin. And now you also know that Hyomin is also my bias hahaha.. I also like gri and topri.

I like to see my otp interact with each other <3

 So, if you have any interesting story or video about some couple that I mentioned here, mind to mentioned me? I will be happy to read it :3 and maybe we also have the same favorite pairings then we can chat about them hohoho ^^


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