
rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!


1. Rice or noodles?

toally love the noodles! <3

2. If you were to be born with a talent that you can choose, would you have the talent to sing like Hyorin or dance like Hyunah? (Examples does not neccesarily have to be them, but you get what I mean!)

i would like to sing like hyorin cuz i think it would be awsome to have that as a voice. me no have a good voice.

3. If you could wish your life to be a drama, which drama would it be? (Exmaple: Princess Hours, Full House, Gumiho, Lie To Me etc~)

i would like my drama to be like dream high2 cuz i totally would love to have my idol fall for me after i while i get to know them. that would be cool!

4. Would you rather choose a guy that has the looks but not the body, or the body but not the looks?

i would like a guy to have body..haha weird...cuz i like a guy with a good body thats all.haha besides

i think looks are overrated..so i go either way.

5. What is your worst habit?

worst habbit is that i bite my nails alot..haha

6. If you could wish for something that does not exist to be in this world to exist, what would it be?

i would wish for a robot(zelo perhaps????X)hahaha)

7. Would you rather choose making-out with your partner or cuddles?

i would cuddle. i think it is sooo cute!

8. How old are you?

im 199 years old..hahaha jk jk but i dont really like to tell ppl my age.idk i just don't sorry T.T

9. If you were given a chance to spend ONE WHOLE DAY with your favourite bias; meaning that you can attend to his schedules, visit his dorm, go shopping with him and do "anything" you want with him *AHEMAHEM* BUT you can't take any photos or take any videos and NO ONE can know about it.... OR.... would you rather take a polaroid with him and have your album signed and get a hug and a handshake? :3

i would love the chance to hangout and do "stuff" with him..haha i don't need prof..i have the memories in ma head and heart. that is worth  more than the album and hug.

10. Twitter or Tumblr?

i don't like twitter..so tmblr

11. Do you like the person who tagged you? :3

i totaly love the person who tagged me..she is ma fav author too!

i wob u!!<3<3


now for my questions.


1.which idol would you choose to hang out with and why?

2.who is your fav group?

3. how did you learn about kpop

4.what was your first kpop song?

5. who is #1 on your bias list.if you have one.haha

6. what is your favorite song in kpop so far?

7. whats your fav drama?

8. how do you feel about anti's who hate on kpop?

9. ehat would your reaction be if your bias asked you out?

10. how would you spend your day with your idol boyfriend?

tagged by    MBLAQisDAEBAK









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