Last tag... I think

1. who is your biggest bias? Right now.... JB from JJ Project ^^

2. who is your favorite female idol? I don't really have one...

3. who is your favorite male idol? Probably G-dragon

4. which group do you like best? That's hard... at the moment its probably between BigBang and EXO

5. who is your favorite solo artist? Jay Park all the way

6. what is your favorite song? Uhhhhhh.... maybe.... Love Song by BigBang

7. what will be your first impression if you saw your favorite idol? I would pinch my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming

8. which do you like most; Kpop or Jpop? I prefer Kpop but some songs sound better in Japanese so I listen to them both

9. which label/entertainment do you like best? JYP just because they seem to be the nicest to their trainees

10. what kind of genre do you like best. I like dance music though alternative is good too.

11. if you'll be an idol for a day, what will you do first? I would probably run around meeting all the other famous idols.


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