Deleted Story aka PISSED

So, I was creating this apply-fic with one of my friends up here and I accidentally transfered the entire story over to them (I was new to the entire co-author thing) but, she sent me a co-author request for me to work on my story with her. Anyways, she went on a hiatus and I was working on the story - not yet making final decisions until she got back because, well, being that she was my co-author I felt that that was a way of being respectful. Anyways, I just wanted to go and check it out to see if more people applied, commented, subscribed to it, etc - because she only had a few more days to go before she came back from hiatus (you know, it's the end of school so exams are crucial). Anyways, I clicked my co-author stories (because my story was in there) and IT WASN'T. IT WAS GONE. IT SAID "this user does not have stories in this field". I'm like, WHHAT ?! Maybe something went down or maybe AFF had some technical difficulties last night. So, I went to her page to see if the story was over there and if this was a mistake on my part. The thing is, the STORY WASN'T ON HER PAGE EITHER. NONE OF HER STORIES WERE UP THERE. HER STORIES (AS WELL AS MINE) WAS DELETED SOMEHOW. How? I DON'T KNOW! But, I got pissed instantly because we had TEN PEOPLE APPLY who were waiting patiently to be CHOSEN! and I instantly felt like I wasted their time AND MINE because in the end , all of my hard work and dedication to that fic just completely went down the drain ! -_____________________- UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! I AM SO PISSED . I DON'T WANT TO JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS AND BLAME HER BECAUSE I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED - Maybe someone hacked her account and deleted her stories, or maybe she just deleted them herself and plans on deleting her AFF...but, if EITHER was the case, wouldn't common respect say , "Okay, let me transfer this back over to her and let her know that I won't be able to help her out any longer" I mean, that would have made it so much easier. But no, instead, the story is gone, the applicants (ALL TEN OF THEM) are gone, and the subscribers and commenters are gone ! there was (50 FREAKING COMMENTS ON THAT STORY - AND THEY WEREN'T FROM ME !) -________- THAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF AND I FEEL LIKE I'VE LET A LOT OF PEOPLE DOWN !!!!!


Sorry for the rant, guys . I am just so pissed and aggravated ! -__________-


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Dang. I would be hella pissed. I hope you repost it~! I was and still am waiting patiently but anxiously for Danger to debut! Watch out for Danger *my catchphrase does not stick LOL* I was wondering what the heck was taking soo long. Also I went to your Co-Authored story section to make sure we were both on the same page and i noticed something wierd. At the bottom of the tab for your other coauthored story it has chocies for me to "Edit, Add Chapter, Remove Co Author, etc."...very confused
Dang that ... and I kinda know who it is. I feel sad because that person deleted one of the stories I applied for. I was really anticipating on her updates. I never knew she deleted it until I read your blog post... T_T
janet160 #3
O.o And I was so looking forward to applying... TT^TT Are you going to post it back up? I'm really sorry if I sound insensitive, but I really liked that story. (And the fact that it was the first fic i tried applying for helps too) PLEASE!!! Rewrite the story!
Duuude that . Have you tried contacting Aff to make sure it's not a fixable glitch?