Tagged! Yay~


rule one | post the rules.
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post.
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

Taggeed by Xernie


1. Where do you like to go on a date to?

I've never really been on a date. ._.

But when I do then it should be to a restaurant of some sort, but not like a fast food one, a proper one. I like food okay

2. If you was to choose a member from a boy band who would it be?

Key from SHINee. Ultimate bias~


3. What is your favourite colour?

Green. The green below exactly. XD


But my other favourite colour is this pink.


But I'm really really fussy with colours. When I'm painting something it has to be like, the exact colour of what I'm painting etc. XD

4. Is there any member from a girl or boy group that has the same personalities as you? If so what are they?

Thaat would be Key. And it's not always the good traits ahaha


Like him I can be really bossy and frustrated easily but like him I also laugh a lot (like, the actual AHAHAHA laugh that he does, lmfao) and I tease my friends a lot. I'm also a huge nag. All my friends have started calling me Mum because I'll be like 'Don't forget your coat or your going to be cold' or 'Why didn't you wear sensible shoes?! Didn't you know we were going to be walking a lot?' but they know that I only nag and tease because I care about them. ^^

Also I very rarely listen to english songs now (lol Kpop addiction), but I have like four or five that I actually listen to that were also on my phone like Halo by Beyonce, I'm Yours by Jazon Mraz, Take A Bow by Rhianna, Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap and Like A G6 by Far East Movement.

Yeah, this was before Key did a solo of Take a Bow, talked about listening to Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap with Taemin and sang Like A G6 with Amber and Kris. OTL

But yeah, Key is just generally awesome and I admire him so much.

5. Which is your favourite couple of WGM?

I haven't watched any of WGM. ;___;

6. Do you like Justin Bieber? XD!

I've got nothing against him personally. XD I just don't really like his singing so I don't listen to him.

7. Which group is better westlife or backstreetboys? (LOL Bias much)

WESTLIFE because they sang UPTOWN GIRL. YES.

8. If you were to choose a member from a group as the best husband who would it be?

I think Onew from SHINee or Suho from EXO-K would be the best husbands tbh. They seem very gentle and caring and cute.

9 Are you a fan of J Project? (I have got to ask this XD!)

I've not heard of it before. o.o

10. Which was the first group that brought yu t the K-Pop world?


11. Are youa fan of girl groups? If so who are they?

I'm not really a fan of the really girly ones like SNSD but I do like some of their songs.

But I love 2NE1. TT__TT 

and I like f(x) but I've only heard one of their songs. XD

Now My questions!

Please comment on my wall that you've answered them. 

Victims People Tagged:

I'll write questions and tag people later I really can't be bothered right now. Ahaha~

I'm not breaking the rules I'm just...delaying them.



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You personality ish exactly as Key! -Laugh- the divaish umma!
Ouu WESTLIFE!!!! yESHH YOU ARE RIGHT! UPtown girl! who wouldn't like that song! Avtually no 9 ish JJ project! SOrry^^