Tagging Game


Rule one | Post the rules.

Rule two | Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in this post (it'll be on the bottom) and then after, make your own set of eleven questions

Rule three | Tag eleven people and link them to your post

Rule four | Let them know you tagged them!


Questions from GenaSaur

1. What are your favortie kpop groups?

DBSK, Big Bang, SHINee, Super Junior, EXO

2. Do you have an ultimate bias? If so, who?

Yes, I do. His name is Choi Minho of SHINee <3

3. What's your favorite kpop song?

Ugh, this is so hard. . . but a song that I know I will never get tired of listening to, has to be between "Replay" by SHINee, or "We Belong Together" by Big Bang.

4. What's your favorite kpop music video?

Undeniably MAMA. The story and concept behind the video just blows my mind every single time I watch it.

5. What's your favorie genre (fanfic)?

M. But I like romance and fluff too :3

6. Wanna be friends?! :D


7. If you said yes (or no), why? :3

I think the more you get to know people, the better person it helps you to become also. That, and, you seem like a really nice person <3

8. Have you ever read ? LMAO

YES. Don't judge me -___-

9. Do you prefer cake or pie?

Cake. Pie is just nasty.

10. Favorite food?

My Papa John's squid luau is the best!

11. Can I hug you? LOL~

Come here <3 *le hugs*


My Questions~

1. Basic info I should know about you? (where you're from, people you hang out with, etc.)

2. Favorite types of books/fanfics?

3. Favorite kpop bands?

4. If you have an ultimate bias, who is it? And if not, who are your biases from each group from Q#3?

5. Do you like pets? If you own any, what kind?

6. Can we be friends :3

7. Would you like to come to Hawaii one day?

8. Top 5 places you want to visit in the world

9. Do you prefer or fluff?

10. Favorite food?

11. Boy bands or Girl groups?


I tag. . .













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scoobie #1
like ummm post it
scoobie #2
Umm Sorry I know this is a stupid question how do you it?
Okay, will do keke n__n
theres me O_O omg please gimme some time? maybe... I'll post it tomorrow >.<