I found out what kind of sickness I have :D!

Hiya :D! Lolz I guess I shouldn't really be happy now by I went to the doctor to find out hyun still feeling horrible and they ran some tests. They thought at first I might of have some sort of flu, but turns out I have something called mononucleosis ._. He said it spreads through saliva and immediately asked have I been kissing xD and I was like ewww. But I have been sharing lots of food with friends ._. Gross. Anywas yeah, I just feel horribly weak and still stay in my bed; I should get Better within the next week they said :P but since I ave nothing to do ill try and update my stories tomorrow :D!!!! And to make up for the lack of updates, crossing my fingers I can do a double update for "innocent" :) Thanks for being so understanding an I apologize again for not updating recently, lots of love <3 Fishy


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Aw, I hope you will get better soon, Fishy!^^
And I've changed my name, :P Thank you again!^^
- Panda~
Hope you get well soon! ^^
Aw... Feel better soon, Fishy!