

Let’s play a tagging game!

rule one | post the rules

rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions

rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post

rule four | let them know you tagged them!

Tagged by IamLeaderDim



1) Who among the kpop artists do you think is most similar to you? How? Or in what ways?

To be honest, it's Woohyun. The greasiness. 
Because I'm a very, very, very greasy person. Plus he's kind of annoying to the other members.
And I'm the annoying/retarded friend. Lol. I can't describe it. It's mostly perosnality-wise.

2) What is your favourite couple in K-pop boy group?

Yunjae was my first OTP and forever will the the staple OTP.

3) Which one is your's favourite dance step in INFINITE song that you like ?

Lolol. Dat they do in Chaser.
If not then dem s in Paradise.

4) If you get married with your bias, where you want to spend your honeymoon with him ?

Canada. Or maybe we could stay in Korea. I'm cool with that.
Definitely not here in Hawaii.

5) Which K-pop song that you first heard ?

Hug by DBSK.

6) Do you think your life have some similarity with in the drama or AFF ? sharing it :)

Mmm... There's no specific drama or fanfic that I could pin my life down to.
But in my story Remember Me, there were several occurences that I based off of real experience.

7) What do you think about me ?

I love you.
You give me confidence as an author. <3

8) Do you think WooGyu is real?? (please say yes. LOL)

I think it's the second realistic couple.
Hojong, no doubt, is real. LOL.

9) What do you hate about Sunggyu? (Be careful LOL)

There's something to hate about Sunggyu? O.O

10) What is your ideal type of girl/boy ?


11) IF you are given to choose between a common people life and celebrity life, which one will you choose ? Why ?

I'm totally fine as a normal person. 
Being a celebrity... it's tough man.
Plus, it's more special to meet your bias as a commoner than as a celebrity~
My questions:
1. Have you read my stories? If so, what do you think? 
2. If you had an opportunity to take your bias on a date, what would you do?
3. Top ten bias list:
4. Favorite OTP?
5. What got you into kpop?
6. What do you think you'd be doing if you didn't have kpop in your life?
7. Wanna lend me money for merchandise? (LOL)
8. Say you're a director of , what would you have your favorite OTP do?
9. Favorite story on AFF?
10. What's your favorite era from your favorite group?
11. Do you think DBSK will ever get back together?
I tag:
IamLeaderDim (I retag you LOL.)


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IamLeaderDim #1
KYAAAAA! imma answer it. xDDDDD waiiiit <3
ashketchum #2
LOL you ARE the annoying/retarded friend. But it's okay <3 You're MY annoying/retarded friend :)
dingdongwho #3
ohh you live in Hawaii? ((I think I knew that already but whoahhh that's cool *A*))
I agree Hojong is real. XD
curses D: you tagged me lol