So..have you heard of the big news? 8D


T-ara will be welcoming two new members to their group. One will be revealed on the 31st, while the other will be revealed this coming June.

Core Contents Media confirmed on the 23rd, “The newly added 8th member of T-ara is 18 years old and possesses a great visual and talent. The new member will work with T-ara for their upcoming album starting this summer.”

The other new member grew up in the United States since she was 4 years old and will make her debut in the MV for T-ara’s upcoming single.

The two new members are described as having both a cute image and strong charisma with a tall height to match.  T-ara stated, “Please look forward to our new members and our new single.”

T-ara is currently busy preparing for their upcoming concert tour in Japan and Thailand next month. On July 14th, T-ara will also be holding a fan meeting at Peace Hall in Kyung Hee University.

Source + image: TVReport via Naver


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I Think they should train them for more some years. TT___TT
The maknae is 14-years old. I'm 18 and Why am I not an idol?! T.T
well, let's not judge that early. let us judge when they perform. :))
dude ceo of whatever entertainment
if you have an abundance of trainees, you should add them to a new group. they won't be accepted into t-ara peacefully ._.
byunqrins_ #5
i don't get why people add members to a group
then they aren't the same
it isn't necessarily that they're bad with new members
they just aren't the original group that everyone loved
;~; why?