
Hey everybody :D

So this is my first blog post.

Which means I better say hi to you all, which I just did. :b

And the next would be to introduce my situation right now...

I have summer vacation from school (:D), six weeks in all, only four weeks left.

When school starts again, I'm in 9th grade - which means the last year of the Danish "folkeskole", which is what you're in from 0th - 9th (sometimes 10th, but that is only if you want to) grade, unless you go to a private school - and therefore have to make big choices and think of the future and so on. And unfortunately, say goodbye to all the great people I've went to school with for so many years :'(

I'm with my family in our summer house. Right now. Oh, my dear summer house.

A place that means relaxing, fresh air, sea bathing (when my food is okay again after operation -.-'), strawberries and... insects!

DIE, mosquitos, DIE!!!

I walk around my room every night just to KILL THEM.

And then my mom, who happens to hate spiders and screams for us to kill it every time she sees one, asks me;

Why do I cold hearted kill the mosquitos when I friendly help the spiders out in the nature again?

You see, the difference between spiders and mosquitos is that spiders can't hurt me, while mosquitos my BLOOD.

Those little vampires think that my blood is their food?!

And no, I don't care if it's only female mosquitos that blood. As they only blood to get the energy to lay eggs = make more mosquitos. And the male mosquitos must in some way be guilty too.

Another plus about spiders; they eat mosquitos! They are angels sent from heaven!

People only dislike them because they look nasty - and I admit, they do - but you can't really blame them. Think about if we killed every person we didn't like the look of.

I want to write my next essay on mosquitos. Just copy this post, haha.

Oh well, end of the frustration. Shopping tomorrow with my family. Missing my friends. Updated Blazing Ring a few hours ago.


- Blitz


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LOL! that's funny ;P haha... poor those little vampires coz they will face one evil hunter called "Blitz" xDDD