To my 114 chiggus and Youngmin. Goodbye

Annyeong. ^^'


I just want to say that I'm very very very very happy that I've been a part of this roleplay.

It gave me joy and new friends. I also learned  a lot of things here.

Some, well, maybe a lot of you got close to me, and I really appreciated that. It was fun talking with y'all. for those who didn't talk to me. curses. HAHA


Son Naeun! =]

It's our 2nd monthsary today. I'm so sorry I didn't last long.

A lot of things happened in this 2 months.

Thank you so much for harassing being such an awesome girlfriend to me, Kim U-Kwon.

But we're still gonna talk right? Since we're already friends in real life. I can see your spazzes in twitter. HAHA :P

For the last time. KIM YOO KWON LOVES YOU SO MUCH! >:D<

Okay... You're free to love Infinite now. *rolls eyes*


To my VIP friends here. You know who you are :)

Thank you so much for everything. I really felt your sincerity when you guys talked to me.

and even  now, that my RL friends and I, are mourning right now, you guys were there.

We really do appreciate it. I love you guys! Always take care.

We'll still be connected though ^^ the only difference is... it's going to be in real life :D


To my 9 real life friends here.


I know, we're really having a hard time right now. Especially B-bomb.

But I hope we'll be strong for our Chinggu.

Youngmin won't be happy if we're sad for so long. I know we still can't accept the fact that he... left us, but he'll always be there for us.

This is one of the hardest trials in our lives, so we should stick together. <3

I love you so much guys. From now on, I'll really cherish every moment we spend together.


To Youngmin. T_T



But I know, this is not your decision, so of course we're not blaming you.

We just really feel bad that... it's to early.

You still have a lot of things you wanted to do. YOU HAVEN'T GONE TO KOREA YET AND SEE YOUR BIAS! ///3

but I think you already saw them taking a shower now. T_T Evil.

It's been 3 days now, but our hearts still hurts so much whenever we think of you. Everything reminds us of you.

You're the one who introduced Role Playing to us. So how the will you expect us to.... not be sad? :(

I didn't get the chance to tell you how amazing you are. Your full of swag you know that right? Your the most normal person in our group of friends. I'm the second one >:))

Jo Youngmin. Cho.

I love you so much. I really do. You've been an awesome friend of mine.

You're the strongest among us. We so know that fact.

I hope your soul would rest.... in peace.



On behalf of Youngmin.


I know he's very happy that he met you guys. The time that you shared with him.... it was one of the best chapter of his life.

and it will always be a happy memory for him.

To the people Youngmin loved and treasured here, I know he'll be saying that you guys shouldn't be sad. He'll be always with us... in our hearts.

Thank you so much for being such a good friend to him.

I hope even though you guys didn't meet him in person, you won't forget that there was a person who role played YOUNGMIN and been a part of your life.


Guys... I'm leaving now. For those who cares, THANKS A LOT! If you want to know the real me....

It's free to ask ^^ 


For those who don't care....


This RP is soooooooooooooooo awesome! :DDDDD

This was my first RP ^^ and I had a lot of fun :)

Well... BYE PEOPLE!!!! *waves* SARANGHAEEE! :*



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Bye U-Kwon!
I'll miss you! :)
I nearly cried again after reading this blog post. </3
It really hurts to know that he left, it really did.
I hope we still contact in rl. ^^
I'll pm you my contact details. (:
SulliChoi-fx #3
*sigh* i'll miss you T^T
add my twitter! @happyvirussica ^^
oh? you have bbm? can you add my pin?
Lee_Jonghyun #4
Hey,I'm still older than you on roleplay. :P
Min_SunYe #5
Bye :)
See you in twitter then :))$
KimUKwon #6
Haha xDDD
This kid. tsktsk =))

My twitter: deshii_o6
Youtube account:
Kakaotalk ID: deshii06

Uhh.. for a stalker, just from that, you'll know everything :)
Lee_Jonghyun #7
Give me all your accounts.
Imma wanna stalk you.
KimUKwon #8
Ahmm... Actually, I'm not using my real account .___.
and there's nothing in it. So...
scratch that x_____x
Lee_Jonghyun #9
I want your real AFF account.
This almost made me cry again :(

Talk to you at //hugs
Lee_Jonghyun #11
Even you are leaving?