Dreaming Them O_O

Hello~ I'm just gonna share my dream. I don't if it's a nightmare or what. xD


First Day:

I was like dreaming about EXO and I started to think why did they sudden came to my dream. o_O

And thought that it was Cool that I dreamt about them. :3


Second Day:

I dreamt them again. Ahaha xD 

The Whole EXO was there. :D

I thought it was Destiny xDD

Ahaha xD 


Third Day:

I started to think that it's weird. o_O

At first, I saw Lay. Then EXO-M.

It's getting weird. _ _" 

I don't know what did I do but what the? 

In my dream?  Them?  I want Real ;n; xD


Forth Day:

I started to get scared. I thought it was nightmare but it's impossible to be nightmare. 'Cuz it was EXo. :D

I've thinking why do they appear suddenly. 

And It was Chanyeol and All the EXO-K. 

He made a heart for me. Ahaha xD

And I was like in a event  o_O



I think I only meet them in my dreams TT_TT 


[Just Sharing ._. ]



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