Tagged by little_arale!

So I got tagged by little_arale  !!!

1. Tell me the thing you like the most of your country and the thing you like the most of South Korea.

What I like the most about the US is that I can buy anything anytime I'm in New York! And what I like about S.Korea is the food!!!! Also the music from both countries in terms of Hiphop(US) and Kpop!

2. Say 2 facts about your body and 2 facts about your personality.

Ummm... I'm 5'7 and my hands are pretty small to match the rest of my body proportionally. As for my personality I'm a pretty open person but reserved when I first meet new people face to face.

3. What talent do you wish you were born with?

The talent to b-boy...its painfull to learn my hands, arms and head always hurt after practice -_-. I guess hiphop dancing in general.

4. Do you have any phobias?


5. Tell me a quote you try to live by.

"Make every second of every moment,word, relationship, and action count because it could be your last"

6. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?

I would help them figure out a plan to get them and the person they like together. I'll be a little heartbroken of course but hey there are plenty of fish in the sea.

7. Tell me your favorite INFINITE song. INFINITE aside, tell me your favorite song (be it kpop or not).

I was never really too fond of any of INFINITE"S songs . I only liked Sunngyu's solo "Because". Now I am in love with "The Chaser"!!!!! And INFINITE aside, I like "Si no le contesta" (remix) :)

8. You’re given $10,000…under one condition: you cannot keep the money for yourself. Who would you give it to?

My parents they've done and sacraficed so much for me, so this would be my gift to them for dealing with all the i make them put up with until now  .ne more year then I'm on my own. iIwould want them to know that I care about them too aeven though sometimes they think otherwise and get into fights with me about it) I remember all the moeye I make them spend on me.

9. Say the five qualities of your bias that charmed you the most <3

One: His laugh. Two: No matter how "greasy" he may be it never fails to make me smile. Three: He has a soft voice. Four: Fail aegyo. Five: Fashionista!

10. Do you believe in soul mates.

It depends...yeah I guess you could meet someone that has the same interests and qualities like you and you two are a perfect match. But at the same time whats the fun in that? I personally would want to meet someone who is somewhat opposite to who I am but still fits in along the line of my standards. You learn soo much more from people that are differnt from you instead of people that are like you because you always know what to expect. I like surprises!!! (most of the time:D)

11. Top three places to visit. 

One: JAPANN!!! Two:South K....but since I'm gointgto live there in a year or so not too much. Three: Switzerland

*Ya like my answers? *




I will now tag WooGyuForever you !! Hope you like the questions:)

1. Who is your favorite Kpop group?

2. Who is your bais , and what are six things that make you chose them?

3. Where do you want to study?

4. Is there anything in specific you like about South Korea.

5. What are your hobbies?

6. How would you describe yourself in 10 words?

7. Have you ever had a life changing experiance?

8. Where do you see yourself in lets say 6 years?

9. What type of person would you date, and have you ever dated anyone?

10. Do you like to travel?


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