Q & A - aintyoufunny and juliette_kelsey

rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

tagged by: aintyoufunny and juliette_kelsey



1. What's your favorite fanfic at the moment?

UM WHAT. I don't know, I read too much. XD Probably something 2min. But there's also "You Can't Take the Sky From Me" by Everythingismagic and "The Eleventh Prince" by anlaaria from the Hetalia and Code Geass fandoms respectively. Neither are finished or look like they'll be finished any time soon but laksjfo;awiefj i adore them.

2. Do you have a tumblr? :D If so, what is it, so I may stalk - I mean, follow - you xD

kyuteminnie!!! =D I also co-run a k-pop comic blog (all drawn on DrawSomething) called drawsomek-pop. You're following both of them!

3. What's your top ten played songs on your iTunes? (no iTunes? then favorite songs of the moment?)

It's been reset a few times, so the most recent are:

1. "I Remember" - Bang Yongguk feat. Yoseob

2. "Finally" - Brave Brothers feat. U-Kiss

3. "Even in My Dreams" - G.O

4. "The Reason" - SHINee

5. "Cry" - MBLAQ

6. "In Heaven" - JYJ

7. "My Love, My Kiss, My Heart" - Super Junior KRY

8. "Just a Dream" - Nelly

9. "My All is in You" - Super Junior M

10.  "Far Away" - Nickelback (this is probably my favorite song of all time actually; though "I Remember" is there too)

I got super into ballads ever since K-Pop...I'm surprised Breaking Benjamin and Skillet didn't make the list? Wow. I'm an obsessive K-pop listener. XD

4. What was the last movie you saw in Theaters? Did you like it?

"The Lorax"! It was....nice? Didn't blow me away or anything, but I mean I took my brother to it for his birthday...

5. How did you discover AFF? Why did you make an AFF account?

I was into fanfiction for the longest time because of anime, so when I got into K-pop I went hunting for fics. Made an account because...I...write.
ON A WRITING SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111

6. What book are you reading at the moment? Is it good?

I'm a terrible person and I'm not reading anything.

uhhhh...the last book I read through was Hamlet. I've been skimming through everything else...eh heh... ALTHOUGH, I just bought/got SIGNED/and started to read How Did They Manage? by Mark P. Donnelly and another person. It's an advice book on management/leadership through history and the guy is super cool.

7. What time do you usually go to bed? Wake up?

In theory I should be in bed by 10:30, but I end up actually starting to sleep at like...12 a lot. Sorry. K-pop calls. I wake up at 6:30-7:00.

8. What do you do before you go to bed?

Tumblr, read fanfics, etc. Write fics in my head and forget them in the morning.

9. Create a story synopsis for some sort of story between you and your bias.

Minho is thoroughly creeped when a crazed fangirl drops from the sky and insists that the love of his life is Taemin and, why yes, she will wed them or die trying.

10. What is your OTP?


ultimate OTP is probably 2min. The rest are on my profile!

11. Why do you think the person who created this annoyingly long tagging game chose the number eleven for everything?

Probably to be different from all the other people who decided to list everything in 10's. You know, like Moses. What a trend-follower.



1.Your top three of fav. Kpop groups?

SHINee, Super Junior, U-Kiss.


2.Which Kpop song describes your life best?

Anything that sounds like unicorns prancing through sunshines and rainbows and bunnies. Like..."Wowowow" by SHINee.

3.Which member do you like the most from your no.1 Kpop group?

WELL. My ultimate bias is Minho. I bet no one's noticed that yet. He's wonderful and y and good with kids and athletic and manry and I love his voice and I will never have him because Taemin.

4.Which Kpop couple do you ship?

To quote my profile page:

Yunjae, 2min, Kyumin and Elvin are my OTP's. :)

I also ship Yewook, Yoosu, JongkeyEunhae, Kangteuk, Hanchul, TOPxGD, Joonmir, Seungdoong, Bangzelo, Daejong, Taoris,  Baekyeol , Hunhan and some other ones sometimes.

5.Why do you ship the couple?


Imma choose 2min for this question.

Mostly because they're adorable together and I love their dynamic. They tend to be this super fluffy couple. Minho's only dongsaeng is Taebaby so he's really protective of him, and it lends for really sweet interpretations of Minho's role in their relationship. And I can just never see TaeTae with anyone else...it's just that perfect, cliche ship for me. It probably helps that Minho and Tae are my SHINee biases.

6.What is the cutest story you have ever read?

Probably some 2min fic. /shot
Um, "Breaking Innocence: 2min's Story"!

7.In your opinion,which Kpop MV is the iest so far?

UHHHHHHHH...there are. A lot. So the most recent one...I would probably say "Dora Dora" because I mean that was their concept. XD

8.Which Kpop idol would you consider as the best husband material?

Seungho from MBLAQ.

9.Why? (referring to 8)

He's a wonderful leader, really good with kids, smart, tech-savvy, handsome, down-to-earth, and honestly he's just like the perfect guy even though he's not even one of my biases.

10.Which Kpop idol would you consider as the worst husband material?


11.Why? (referring to 10)

.........................Take a second to picture Taemin married to woman being the manry man of the household for a second

okay thanks for playing



1. Do you think unicorns exist?

2. Do you think I'm a unicorn? (there is only one right answer)

3. Who do you think is the best singer in K-pop?

4. Best rapper?

5. Best dancer?

6. Describe a cross-band collab you'd really like to see. (Like a Kevin/Heechul/Key/Jokwon girlgroup, etc.)

7. What was your first K-pop song/MV?

8. How did you fall in love with your favorite group?

9. What kind of fics do you usually write?

10. Is crack awesome or is crack awesome?

11. Describe me with one adjective.


Wow such quality questions.

UH I don't have that number of friends SO












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LOL Yeah, Taemin really isn't husband material. Too pretty. ^^
/grumbles about tagging game.

I see your 2Min love <3
SEUNGHO! he'd be an amazing husband.