RANDOM: Tiffany/Leeteuk/Taeyeon (120522)

First of all, I must note that I’m not trying to defend or bash anyone here. It’s purely just an opinion from a K-Pop fan who just watched the performances from MBC Korean Music Wave in Google.

I didn’t manage to live streaming the show this morning but I watched it just now. I was surprised to find articles and comments about an issue regarding ELF vs SONE instead of compliments for the performances. I watched until the concert was finished and now I just want to share my opinion.

For your note, I am actually an ELF. Not a hardcore one but, yes, I’m still an ELF. However Taeyeon is the first K-Pop idol that I admire despite the fact that I don’t really call myself as a SONE.

I’m never biased when it comes to artists, even when it is my favorite group. I know some may not believe but, well, I always try to be objective rather than subjective.

Here is the case from my point of view.

After singing the last song “Arirang” altogether, Tiffany wanted to close the concert with a speech. Unfortunately Leeteuk suddenly spoke up, having his own speech to thank the audiences. For seconds we could see Taeyeon’s expression as the camera zoomed to her.

Here is what I concluded from the comments I read.

Leeteuk was really rude for interrupting Tiffany’s speech. He should have respected her as the MC. He just wanted to have the spotlight for himself.

The issue didn’t stop there. Leeteuk then tweeted that the last speech he made was after the PD’s cue so, yes, he just followed the instruction. This is why the next argument appeared.

Tiffany should have followed the cue and Taeyeon should have been more considerate. Even though Leeteuk made a mistake, she should be a professional and have a little respect for her senior.

As for me I think it’s just a simple matter which became a really big issue since both fandoms are really big. Both are strong and love their favorite groups so much that they can’t stand insults from others.

Let me summarize the case.

1) Tiffany wanted to do her ending speech.
2) Leeteuk got a cue from PD to say something.
3) Leeteuk cut Tiffany’s speech.
4) Camera zoomed to Taeyeon and her expression changed.
5) Tiffany continued her speech.

My assumption.

1) Tiffany was going to give her ending speech SPONTANEOUSLY after the song ended; or perhaps she was too excited that she forgot Leeteuk’s part.
2) Leeteuk suddenly got a cue from PD and he wanted to say something for the audiences.
3) BAD TIMING! Leeteuk and Tiffany talked at the same time! Have you ever experienced it? Me, a lot!
4) Taeyeon looked nervous for me, not annoyed. Maybe a little bit awkward but that’s that.
5) Tiffany continued her speech as a professional MC.

My aim of this post?
I honestly hope that both fandoms will cool down and try to stop bashing each other. Both Super Junior and SNSD are great. I believe they don’t want their fans to fight.

They are family and so are the fans.

Bringing about the incident of black ocean or the past mistakes are understandable but hating them till the end of time is definitely unreasonable. I’m not going to say things like “Idols are human too!” or “It’s just a simple mistake!” but I think all of us don’t want us to regret our own curses today in the future, right?

If there is one thing I admire from K-Pop, I definitely respect the idols from being humble and caring, both for fans and their friends from entertainment world. When an issue about war between fandoms appears, I always think why can’t we be like the friendly idols?

I understand that all of us want to defend our beloved idols but bashing another idol group is definitely not the wise choice.

Let’s share love of K-Pop in peace, shall we? ;)

Written with love and peace,
a fan of music 


Here is the video which caused some major issues, just in case you are wondering. :)


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I saw that video and honestly, I think Leeteuk is a bit rude. Fany was talking and he just cut her off. I mean, few words wouldn't consume that much time won't it? But I'm not mad at him. It's just a small problem anyway. What I'm pissed of is when some elfs went around bashing my girls when it was originally their oppa's fault. Saying things like Taeyeon is and unprofessional. I don't see anything y or unprofessional there. Anyway, I love both SNSD and SJ but sometimes fans over-reacted too much. MBC should just let TaeNy mc the whole thing in the first place.