Test App :: The Exchange Students


Personal Information

Name: Ariana Parker

Nickname(s): Ri, Anna

Hates: Sweety, Sugar, Cutie

Birthday & Age: 10/6/1994 - 17

Blood Type: A

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 41 kg

Place of Birth: Beverly Hills

Hometown: Beverly Hills

Ethnicity: Irish-African American


Appearance & Style








Name of FC: Jessica Parker Kennedy 
















Character Information

Personality: From the first sight, she looked cold and unfriendly but once you know her, she is really friendly. Nice and caring girl. 

Always cares for her friends. But when it comes to decision making, she is indecisive. Sometimes she have a short-term memory. Her friends says that she is kinda blur. She is good at managing her time well. She prefers to have more male friends than female friends and love to hang out with guys more since they won't really about one another.


Ariana is really smart, she’s fast learner and diligent, she also likes to keep her surrounding clean and neat. She is really pure and innocent. People say she is like untouched, white paper. However she might be immature for some things like when it comes to her food, and sleep. She hates when people snatch away her food, or disturbing her sleep. But other than those things, she’s very mature, friendly and fun to be with. She's a little too selfish sometimes and very childish most of the time, but can be serious if she has to. She’s down to earth. She's very nice and polite to everyone she meets. She always has a smile on her face making others happy just looking at her. She’s amazing when it comes to work, she becomes shy in front of any guys she’s interested in and her mind goes blank all of the sudden. She can do nothing right and absolutely clueless when it comes to love. Bea is very friendly and likes making friend, that’s why many people like Ariana and want to be her friend even before they know she is rich. Sheis also a very good secret keeper. You could tell any secret to her and she won’t spill. Sometimes she holds grudges on people, but she easily forgives them after.  She loves seeing her sisters laugh and smile. She gets along easily with others. She doesn't like to talk about her feelings, yet even show how she feels other than happy.  She doesn't like to show or tell anyone her feelings because she doesn't want anyone to worry about her. She keeps everything that does not consist of happiness bottled up inside of her. No one really knows what she's thinking, because she always has a smile on her face, so people think she's always happy. She can see through most people and read them, just with a little conversation. She's a perfectionist and will keep working at it until she gets it perfect.  She`s good at giving advice, but tend not to take her own advice. Crying is her major weakness. She hates crying period, because it just too hard for her to hold back her tears when she is sad.




She is from a well-off family so she is kind of like a spoiled princess but she is learning how to be independent and not rely on others.

She learnt the violin, dance ballet and hip-hop.




Amusement Park


Sun flowers






Milk & Yoghurt






Lazy Person

Messy things that are disorganized





Loud Sound



People who are full of themselfs



Listening to music




Playing video games




Eat a lot when stressed/upset

Day dreaming

Being clumsy and clueless when she feels embarrassed and nervous

Can easily forget where she puts things

Sleeping with IPod on ears

Cover if she is laughing

Tends to stare at people curiously during first meetings

Stare into spaces suddenly when she is bored



She has a love hate relationship with horror movies
She can come off as a but is sweeter than chocolate
She has a braclet her sister bought her that she never takes off.



  • Instruments played: Piano, Violin
  • Favourite colour: Black and Gold
  • Favourite character: SpongeBob
  • Favourite dessert: Mango dessert
  • Fun thing to do in the train: Seeing the views along the way (and the mountain)
  • Biggest want: New glasses
  • Favourite place: On stage
  • Pet: Minni (toy poodle)
  • Thing she always wanted to do: Travel
  • Favourite clothing maker: Vans, Converse
  • Favourite food: Pizza
  • Makes you feel better: When I talk with my sisters
  • Secret dream: To write and sing my own song



Background: Ariana was born and raised in the fabulous Beverly Hills. With actors, actresses, famous directors and fame surounding her, who wouldn't suddenly want to be a star?! What's even better for Ariana is that her parents get to work with the stars themselves (her father being a set director and her mother a make-up artist). And whenever Ariana saw the bright lights, she knew this was what she wanted. 

At school, girls were usually stereotyped as the nerds or the geeks but Ariana was an exception. She was simply too fabulous to be labeled anything as low as that! She was one of the queens at school. Why shouldn't she be? She lived in a beautiful house in Beverly Hills, had some of the best parents ever and she got to see celebrities up close. She was a sure in for the populars.

By high school, she had a title to live up to, popluar groups of friends and the perfect boyfriend. Well, lets just say, the magic of her fairytale suddenly ended when her 'perfect' boyfriend broke up with her. This caused a very big commotion withing the students and suddenly rumors about her cheating on her boyfriend with a celebrity suddenly spread. What was even worse was that she and her mother caught her father having an affair with an actress. Ariana 's perfect little Barbie world crumpled down and she swore that all men were not to be trusted and that all of them were nothing but scums. She then turned into a bad playgirl who broke as many hearts as she could


Jobs: Waitress in a coffee shop


 Family and Friends Information


Friends: Bang Yong Guk: He is the first friend she made in Seoul Arts High School. He has a slight crush on her and they are known as the 'Gangster Couple'

Amber Liu: She is her 'Korean Wife' both of them being from The U.S.A they get more of a chance to talk.


Rivals: None at the moment...


Relationship Information

Person You Live With/Lover: Kai (EXO)

Partners Personality:  He is quite cold at first sight but when you get to know him—if he likes you—you’ll get to know the real man in him. He is really very protective and caring, I quote again, “With the people he likes”. He is misunderstood by many because he doesn’t like to express his feelings. If you get on his bad side or make him start disliking him, I promise you that your life will be a living hell. Beware to do a prank or hurt his loved ones!! You won’t live a peaceful life anymore, I assure you. He is a playboy; a hard core playboy. But he didn’t choose to be a playboy, that’s just his personality; a cold playboy. But he has a really warm heart and most of the time he would love more than his partner. Also, he tends to be a bad boy in school and break some rules once in a while. He is more intelligent than what people think.

Why do you like him?  Because he turns out to be not so bad.

Good relationship or bad? Why?: Bad because he thinks he can win any girls heart but Ariana bets him he can't win her heart.


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