Isn't this fun?


rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!


tagged by: _Playgirlz117



1. Favorite color?

Teal/Neon Green. 

2. Last movie that you saw at the movie house?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 /loves that series. 

3. Number of your total unique subscriber(s)?

53 /has no subbies.

4. Your top 3 favorite story here at AFF?

Not So Much of a Fairytale, Skinny Love, Just Last the Year, and Whenever You Remember

5. Story behind your AFF username.

My favorite groups at the time were Super Junior and SHINee, making supershinee. That was taken though so I just added ftw. xD 

6. How did you stumble on AFF?

I don't remember exactly how but I think I was on Google looking for some Super Junior stuff. :| 

7. Your bias is SHINee?


8. Your favorite SHINee era?

Either Hello Baby, Ring Ding Dong, or Replay (Japanese ver.). 

9. Do you like me? As your friend? <3 

Hahaha, ofc. 

10. Your favorite book/novel?

Either Harry Potter (whole series), Percy Jackson and the Olympians (whole series), The Heroes of Olympus (whole series), the Septimus Heap series, The Hunger Games (whole series), or Divergent. 

11. Have you seen The Avengers? Is it good? (HAHA)

/haven't seen it yet.



- citylights                    -  eLementAndNewclear           -  LovingHimx3             - WonderBinnie

- vitaminnie                  -  crazydancingasian                  -  xJulie                          - --iuVanilleau

YesungLover             -  lil-eunchan                               -  MaeilYogurt




1. What's your first impression of me?
Uhh, you seem like a pretty nice person. LOL. 

2. Why is your bias your bias?
I don't have an ultimate bias. LOL. I like my biases because they're amazing singers, have nice & funny personalities, and are unbelievably handsome. 

3. What is your TOP 3 favorite ONE-SHOT FIC (here on AFF, ofcourse)?
A Love Letter By Your Pillow, Naughty, Naughty Lu Han, and Metagenesis

4. Who are your least favorite female Kpop Group?
Don't have one. 

5. What's your favorite K-drama?
I've started a lot that I haven't finished yet. But at the moment, either City Hunter or Boys over Flowers.
/likes a J-drama more.
/Absolute Boyfriend was so sad.
/Absolute Chanyeol, man. 
/I like Hi My Sweetheart too *o* 
/is very random 
/and slightly scatter-brained 
/ignore me .-. 

6. Do you listen to K-indie? What's your favorite K-Indie Song?
I don't listen to it often, but I like it. My favorite song would either be 
바닐라 어쿠스틱(Vanilla Acoustic) - You're My Baby or MilkTea - Ramen King

7. What is your favorite Japanese song by a Kpop artist?
Super Junior - Snow White

8. What do you think of my graphics/posters?
They're puurty. 

9. What's that one thing you hate about your bias?
I don't hate anything about any of my biases. .-. 

10. Who's your closest friend in AFF? not real life friend but a person whom you just met here.
/doesn't have one. 
/no one likes me. 
/is a lonely mofo. 
/digs a hole to die in 

11. if you had a chance to stalk your bias would you do it?
...Depends on which one it is. 
What am I talking about, ofc I would! 
/crawls off to sob hysterically while body convulses in corner of emo corner room. 

My questions

one | What was your first impression of me? 

two | Do you like Super Junior? 

three | Am I a nice person? 

four | Would you rather receive a million dollars or have the change to spend the night at your bias' dorm? 

five | Who's your bias?

six | What's your favorite Japanese song? 

seven | What's your favorite K-pop group? 

eight | How did you discover/get into K-pop? 

nine | What's your favorite drama (any language)? 

ten | Do you like food? 

eleven | What is woman's best friend? 


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ill do this later OTL
"no one likes me"
are you crazy woman