p i k a c h u graphic studio ━ { looking for co-owner + open !


Remember the blog post I made yesterday? Or was it two days ago? I don't recall LOL. ANYWAYS, I made it! OMG! I still cant believe I MADE it already! I swore I said I was going to make it AFTER i settle all the reviews! OTL. KILL ME NAO.

If you don't know or don't recall, I said something about making a GRAPHIC REQUEST SHOP. I need a co-owner and all that shizz.

So i made it! #$%^&*() OHME I hope I don't regret it! >.< So, as friends, request from me! :D

OTL I sound so desperate LOLOL.

So here it is:


p i k a c h u  graphic studio ━{ looking for co-owner + open !

Do help me out here! I need a co-owner! Please PM me with some examples including your best if you're interested! Thanks all <3 Now, I'm off to do homework that is due tomorrow. OTL it's already 10:15pm :O




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