Co-Owner of Graphic Request Shop

So hiieeee guise. It's me again!

Damn, i've been making a loooot of blog posts lately.

Anyway, hello! :3 Wait! Dont stop reading, I do have a life, you just have to wait for it! (LOL WHUT)

Kk so if you guys stalk me (*cough*elainaa*cough*) you will know that i've been into making graphics at the moment. Yeap, if you dont know, now you know. Yeahhhh. So... After I finish all the review request, I am planning to make a graphic request shop. Yesh, yesh, call me crazy but ive been called that a million times already.

Back to the point, im planning on making a graphic request shop and is wondering if one of you guys are willing to be the co-owner?

Well, i'm pretty sure that I can manage graphics(+ I work at other shops too LOL), reviews, studies and all that. (see how I excluded life?)

so if you are interested, just PM me. No comments please >.<

um, you have to be able to make graphics (well duhhh) and make sure it's at least decent. So pm me away!

Sorry if you find it difficult to read this, ma phone so no paragraphing. Pm me before next week please >< oh and give me some examples too, gimme your worst and best, thats most important:) well byeeeeee!


~Edited with paragraphing


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