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Character name: Kim JiSoo

Age: 19

Date of birth: 27/02/1993

Birthplace: Seoul

Nickname: Zeus

Zodiac: Pieces

Blood type: O

Height: 182 CM

Weight: 60 kg

Orientation: Gay

Personality: He's a guy that comes of cold and reserved at first, but when you get to know him he's a real sweetheart. He can be a bit brute, but when he realizes it he fusses over the person he was brute towards to. He likes to take care of others and feels proud when people depend on him. He can be a little clumsy at times and has a tendency to daze off when he is bored. He has a optimistic view on most stuff and a slight obsession with the dark. 

Background:Lived with his grandparents (on his dads side) in a small town village as his own parents works as wild life photographers and rarely is in Korea. He moved to Seoul alone at the age of 17, where his parents payed for his apartment and expenses.

Looks like: Yu HaMin

Style: A pair of a little bit ripped skinny jeans, combats boots, a tee and a millitary jacket. Mostly kept in dark colors, wheres as the accercories are in bright colors.


  • Coca Cola
  • Electronics
  • Cats
  • Tea
  • Cartoons
  • Greek Mythology


  • Bananas
  • When people judge him without knowing him
  • Pork
  • People who uses to much aegyo.


  • Creative work, all kinds
  • Swimming
  • Cooking


  • When he looks at the TV his jaw drops and he sits with a slight dumb expression on.
  • Biting and his lips when he thinks.
  • Pulling his hair when reading. 


  • Has a tattoo on his back between his shoulder blades. And abstract picture of Ying Yang made of color splashes.
  • Has an industrial in his left ear and to piercing under the curve of his right ear. 
  • He has a cat named Miyavi after his favorite guitarist.
  • Loves rock and falls asleep faster when he listens to it. 

Fears and Phobias:

  • Mummies
  • Churches

Reasons for each fear and phobia:

  • Mummies: He can't remember why he reacts as he does to them, but when he sees one he panics and almost hyperventilate . It feels as if he's being burried alive. 
  • Churches: When he goes into the church it's as if something is pulling him from every side and he feels extremely uncomfortable.


  • After he moved to Seoul he rarely went out and all of his friends are in the village where his grandparents live. 


  • Grandfather, Kim MinTae
  • Grandmother, Kim JiHye
  • Mother, Kim MinJi
  • Father, Kim DongYoon


  • Ahn JaeHyo, Block B


Stage name: Dragon

Fan club name: Force

Fan club color: Blood Red

Persona: Charming Charisma, his passion for music comes out with greate force when he performs, and he is very serious about. But he still somehow manages to be mischivious and joke around a lot. 


Main Rapper

Lead Vocal


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