Writing Plans

When the plot bunnies strike, they strike hard, and you find yourself thinking up delightful scenes in your head, and wanting to put your story up for all your readers to enjoy. That is, until inspiration starts to thin and you find yourself neglecting the story you were once so excited about. I have several stories like that, so I am embarking on a re-vamping journey for those stories. On the other hand, I will still be updating my existing ones, and a major plan for a new story is also underway.

To keep it organized (as Jewell does mgnificently), here's a list!

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re-vamping x


Re-release Date: 20th June 2012

♔  Seo Joohyun (Seohyun) ♔ Cho Kyuhyun ♔ Hwang Tiffany ♔ Lee Hyukjae ♔ Choi Sooyoung ♔

June 1950's - The once young Cold War takes a turn for the worse and becomese a fiery, bloody battlefield. Able-bodied men in South Korea are called upon to defend their Motherland, to fight for the honour and glory of their country. Seohyun, a young girl of eighteen, belongs to a rich family, but has her father taken away from her nonetheless. Amongst the troubles of the time, she meets Sooyoung, a lovely girl her age who belongs to the lower rungs of society, both socially and economically. Ironically, a friendship is developed between both girls, and Seohyun starts to question the very basis of the rich-poor divide. Challenged by her loved ones, she struggles to maintain her friendship with Sooyoung, while all the time waiting for her father to return home. Yet Fate is never predictable, and along this journey there are numerous hurdles to cross, hurdles that prove themselves tough.

A/N : This was, like, my first story ever, and the original cast was made up of Seohyun, Kyuhyun, Jessica, Ryeowook, Sooyoung & Sungmin, but as I became more familiar with SuGen there were some pairings I just couldn't write. Besdies that, the story structure was literally falling to pieces, the plot was just going in circles with no apparent end, so I decided to scrap the existing chapters and start from scratch. Hopefully, this will bring something fresh to the plate for my readers!


Through Storybook Pages  

Re-release Date: 23rd June 2012

Jang Jaemi (OC) | Undecided SHINee Members

Jang Jaemi has always been an avid reader who considered books as some part of her life, just well, not her whole life.

Suddenly, amidst all the troubles in her life, she gets into the pages of a book, entering a whole new dimension. Of course, in her sane mind where she still calls Korea home, she finds everything that is going on in this new world ludicrous, and can’t wait to get back. Until she meets three people, three very special people, who show her that no matter where you are, faith is always there, and that love can make a wilted flower bloom.

A/N: This story, to be honest, gives me a headache, although at the start I was so excited about it. Most of the chapters are badly written, and I am considering scrapping them and starting from scratch again, but I'm not sure. Also, I have decided I don't want all the SHINee members to be in it, so I am again considering who I should put in the story. This needs a lot of work and hence a later release date, but I hope all of you will continue to support me nontheless!


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exisiting x

A Blue Sky 

Lee Jieun (IU) | Jang Wooyoung | Kim Jonghyun

"Why is the sky blue?"

"Because the grass is green."

"That's a childish answer."

"Well, I'm a childish person!"


"Well, because God made it that way!"


"Why don't you ask Jonghyun? He's smarter."

"Yes, but he's not you."

A/N: I know I haven't been updating this recently, but I am determined not to let this fall apart. I definitely do not want to disappoint my readers, so I'll be working on the chapters to come before putting them up. I've actually got the ending planned out, but it's what's in-between that matters, so that needs carefully planning and all.


Sugar Coated Doughnuts 

Anastasia (OC) | Kim Myungsoo | Jia

"Why do you even like doughnuts?"

"Doughnuts are such pretty little things, and you can taste the baker's passion with just one bite, because even though they are simple, it takes lots of effort to make them."

"Well then, you must be quite a passionate baker yourself."

A/N: This was meant to be a competition entry, but I kind of regret choosing fantasy as the genre because I realised that fantasy is not my thing at all. SCD is based on Beauty & the Beast, since I am such a hard-core Disney kid. I suppose it'll take a turn for the gruesome as we progess on, because, spoiler - Jia is the Wicked Witch of the West here, rhetorically. Again, more planning is needed, but once the final scenes are through this will be up and running!


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coming soon x

The Boy At The Window

Release Date: Undecided

Amber Liu | (Either Kim Myungsoo/Henry)

The boy raised his hand and waved, a light smile coating his lips. He was about my age, I supposed, but he looked increasingly pale, and his jet black hair did nothing whatsoever to reduce his skin tone. Tentatively, I waved back, feeling a little foolish, but what I didn't know then was that our exchange of greetings was the start of a strong friendship to come.

A/N: I am very, very, very excited to start this story, and again this will be a competition entry, but for KPossible's & Mary517's Sounds of Melodies or SAPPHiREDDREAMs 13elieve in L♥ove I do not know yet. Nevertheless, I believe this story will hold a very strong message behind it, a little bittersweet as in Soyabean (too lazy to link OTL), and I hope to share this with all of you here very soon!



Release Date: Late July (tentative)

Bae Suzy | Kim Myungsoo | Kim Sunggyu

Based on the ongoing war between South & North Korea -

Kim Myungsoo, aged 17. A former North Korean, escaped, now residing in South Korea. Location: Unknown.

Bae Suzy, aged 17. North Korean, disappeared. Location: Unknown

North Korea is perhaps the most secluded country in all of the world; no one goes in or out, and the Dear Leader certainly controls every aspect of the country. Citizens are brainwashed from a young age to conform to the views of the Dear Leader, and have absolutely no freedom of thought or action. Many try to escape each year, but only a precious few make it. Kim Myungsoo is one of them, yet he finds himself thrown into a world which is perhaps no better than life in North Korea. Bae Suzy is a typical teenager residing in North Korea who has nothing but utmost respect for the Dear Leader, but when she is involved in an exchange between South and North Korea, she finds herself questioning the very basis of humanity. Stubborn at first to the fact that the Dear Leader is but a ruthless dictator, she soon begins to see, with the help of Kim Myungsoo. What greets them then is a rollercoaster ride of fear and dread, but as they hold on tight to each other, they are determined to ride the ride out.

A/N: This can perhaps be considered the story of the year - the topic this story holds is something I have never touched on, and it certainly needs a lot of research, and might spark a lot of controversy. For the characters, I decided to give a shot at MyungZy, my recent love interest, as well as Sunggyu for a side character. As for the decision to base it off the ongoing war, that is because I ahve been studying a lot about North Korea in History, so, as the schools always encourages us to do, I am simply putting my knowledge to use :) Hopefully, I can get this churned out by early July, but if not, then I suppose the date has to be re-arranged. Look forward to it! ^^


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that's all, folks!


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Omo! All of these look so good! I can't wait to read them~ :3

I've been in the same pickle where I get really excited for a story but then it dies out... Dx

Good Luck!!! ^w^
Man. Your plans make my plans look like crap. /stares at discarded papers

the excitement you feel about starting a story :)
/*subscribe to you as author*

yah. don't be overworking yourself -.-
i need to read all this ;A;
Wowwww. I'll definitely be looking out for "Reborn". I love dystopian plots so much <3 Goodluck on these :D
I'm so excited!! :D
HWAITING!!! Really really look forward to u updating yr story :D and the coming soon stories look so interesting omg especially reborn. Anyways good luck ~
byunqrins_ #7
this is so organized l0l0l.
/is jelly
Reborn sounds interesting. o u e; and so does Sugar Coated Doughnuts. LOL.
woahhh. so many stories! xd
predictator #9
WOW so well organized, HOLY CRAP O_O!
so excited ;~;
I was gonna write a N. Korea escape story to a while back, but I never got the chance. Myungsoo/Suzy is a cute ship :D
The last idea sounds EPIC<3