
Hi everyone!


I just have a small question!

Is there anyone on AFF that is over 20 years old?


Cuz i am gonna be honest......I am 20 :( I feel so old to be writing Fanfics and I am just hoping someone is like me and writes at such an old age like me! >.<

So? Anyone 20 or older? Cuz Lets be good friends! Oldies gotta stick together! ahaha


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My pedo unnie on here is about 27 years old. xD ♥ You're not alone, so don't you worry.
Yes, I'm turning 23 this june :) If I'm not mistaken I'm older than most of my bias :P So yeah, but I don't feel old. I feel like I'm enjoying this 100% because when I was 10 I used to fangirl over Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears and I wasn't aware of their lives and everything. Now, I feel proud because noona (me) is a fan because they're talented not only because they're hot, you know what I mean? :) Keep writing FF all your life if that makes you happy :P